
Braces is something wrong???

by  |  earlier

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i recently got braces on friday (just the top ones) and last night after i brushed my teeth was using a little tiny brush they said cleans around the braces and i was brushing the top of my tooth and the top of the bracket and then some white stuff started to peel off from my gum and the the top of my tooth and bracket. this happened twice in different spots on my mouth but on the same side. its just like this white stuff.could it be something the orthodontists put on? is it a bad thing?




  1. Don't worry, I am almost POSITIVE this is normal. The white gunk u r seeing is probably just stuff stuck on your tooth from lunch or something. Even maybe white pudding could dry on your teeth, that kind of stuff has happened to me b4 trust me!  I really don't think it could be excess glue or somethin....if ur really worried about it, or think it might be a gum infection or something, (make sure to brush, floss, etc. and whatever they told u 2 reallly well!) i would call ur orthodontist.

  2. It's probably fine. As long as the bracket has not fallen off then you're probably ok. When just getting braces it takes a while to get used to the c**p that will come out from between your teeth when you brush. Bread will now be your worst enemy. also, b/c the braces are new, the cement that they use to hold the brackets on can flake off for the first few days b/c it dries on the outside of the bracket.

    Just a final note from someone who wore braces for over two years. Use that toothbrush. Your regular and the small one. Brushing regularly and thoroughly will keep you from having permanent white scars on your teeth when you get the braces removed.  

  3. no its just gunk for what you ate earlier.

    or its just access cement that they drilled off and it didnt come off.


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