
Braces... my bottom jaw isn't aligned!?

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I'm getting my braces off in two weeks and I couldn't be more excited!! The only thing is my jaws don't seem to be aligned. It's not that the bottom one needs to move forward... it needs to move slightly to the left. My front top teeth and front bottom teeth aren't in line (if that makes sense). Will this problem fix itself in the next two weeks?? Will they do something when they are taking off the braces to fix this??? Please answer!! I'm really worried




  1. That does make sense. Mine are too. It is because ou probably got your top braces on first so it worked on aligning the top ones before the bottom ones. Therfore it has worked on the top ones for longer, i think they can take off top ones first then bottoms later or retainer may help it  

  2. hey, congrats!

    i understand what youre talking about...but you know what? some peoples jaws are just like this! theyre slightly off center. and since its your botttom jaw, no one should really notice it anyways. but, if you didnt have this problem before you got braces in , if i were you id ask my ortho about it... ask if its supposed to be like that, if its normal, etc..

    it almost sounds like youd need elastics to fix it?

    anyways, your ortho will not be taking your braces off enless he/she feels that your teeth are as perfect as they can be. so dont worry about it! there are tons of people who havew slightly off centre jaws, but if the professional thinks that its fine itll probabaly be fine!

  3. I had the exact same problem. My top jaw was growing too fast so the braces were put on to slow them down to let my bottom jaw grow forward to catch up with the growing pace. And my top and bottom jaws aren't aligned either. My top front teeth are slightly to the right. I had to wear my braces for five years and I used rubberbands forever to try and correct that alignment problem. Two weeks will not solve the issue. I tried for five years to fix it and it was always a little off. At one point, it seemed to be aligned, so the orthodontist told me to stop the rubberbands. Then it just moved out of alignment again. Then I had to put the rubberbands back on...and it seemed ok...but once I got my braces off, it shifted back. When they take off the braces, they just come off and it means they are done with your treatment. It will never be perfect. Unless it's a huge alignment it's way shouldn't worry about it. It's almost insignificant. But if you really want a perfect alignment, you can always get jaw surgery and they will have to reconstruct your bottom jaw to fit the top one. I was offered this, but it's not worth going through. I just left it the way it is.

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