
Braces :-( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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im scared tell me what happens when you get braces!!!!!!

ohhh and plzzz tell me everything i need to know




  1. Its not a big deal. When you first get them on, it feels weird. No pain or anything. Then that same day it gets really sore and hard to eat. So i suggest eating liquids like soup and ice cream. It will be sore for a few days after, but not like the first day. Then every 6-8 weeks they change the bands. The bands are the colorful part of your braces. THe first few times they do that it gets a little sore. Later down the path they might get you elastics. You attach them to your braces, the ortho will show you how. And then you get them off. No big deal.

    Hope this helps.


  2. well, it hurts for the first couple of days (get used to soups) and sometimes when they tighten a wire. take some tylenol or other painkiller for the first few days. Clean them out--i know, gross--but food gets stuck really easily. all together, it's not that bad. At first there will be a few very painful days and nights but eventually you will get used to, if not comfortable, with them. the results are worth it; good luck:)

  3. Its really not that bad.  I had braces put on when i was 7 years old and i'm grateful gor that.  They just use an adhesive to put the brackets on and put wires through the brackets.  Your mouth will be sore for the first couple of days but it isnt that bad.  Your smile will be awesome afterwards.

  4. im typing this while i have braces, i got 'em yesterday, its constant soreness but its not unbearable. just take tylenol or advil. here's what they do: they clean your teeth so that when the brackets are put on no bacteria is behind them (because brackets stay there for a long time) . then they apply the brackets with dental cement, they also attach a motuh opener which opens your mouth, i found this uncomfortable, not painful however after they attach the brackets they dry the cement with a ultra violet torch (the blue light). next they ask you to have a good rinse, you'll be relieved that the mouth opener is off. next they get the cables and tie them to the brackets quite tight, you'll feel a bit of pressure, they also attch elastics if nessescary and apply the stoppers that come in a color of your choice, I found this amusing. after that they give you a brief lesson on flossing, brushing with braces and cleaning the brackets. they also tell you to stay away from hard foods unless you chop them up, stay away from sticky foods. now when you get home you'll still feel okay enough to do regualr activities that is until the pain kicks in, your best bet is to just rest, you know lay back watch tv or something that'll take your mind of your braces, to treat the pain you have eat a dose of painkillers after you eat. for eating i really strongly reccomend mash potatoes, make 'em extra creamy so you dont have to chew at all. yesterday i chewed (naturally) because i'm not used to not chewing and it HURT, do not chew at any time soon.pain killers will start to help after like a half hour but you are still going to feel a constant soreness in your teeth, its irritating for a bit but just endure because you'll get used to it. make sure you take another dose of painkillers before you go to sleep or you'll be awake the entire night, in the morning you'll still have some pain, possibly the same as last night. try having oatmeal, but kind of swallow it instead of chewing it. so this is me at day 2 with braces. the pain has reduced a bit at this point, trust me it sounds worse than it actually is. Good Luck and i hope this helps. P:S: in any case it is not excruciateingly painful at all its bearable, i guarantee.

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