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I got my braces yesterday and it didn't hurt for the whole day. But when I woke up today,IT HURTED!

I have 4 brackets on 4 of my teeth and I feel pain when I swallow,bite,and when spit (when i brush my teeth)

I can't eat anything at all,can someone tell me when this pain should go away and any suggestions of what I should eat?




  1. Take some Tylenol or something, it WILL go away. Everytime you have your braces tightened they will hurt for a few days, or maybe only a few hours, but it does go away.

    I had braces for 2 years, and the only thing that really caused them to hurt bad was the "power chains" and that went away within like a day.

  2. I've had braces for nearly two years now and I can tell you that for the first few weeks your teeth will hurt and/or be uncomfortable. It will take some time to get used to having brackets on your teeth but don't worry because you will eventually get used to it. It all depends on your tolerance level of pain but it could take about two weeks for you to somewhat get back to normal. You will probably get back to somewhat normal for about two weeks and then you will go in for a tightening and the pain will start over again. I know the pain is excruciating but it's normal. You might experience a slight fever for the first few days upon getting your braces and also some swollen glands. Pop some motrin or alieve every 4-6 hours and the pain will subside a little. The more you get your braces tightened the less painful it becomes. Eat oatmeal or anything that your mouth can tolerate. When I first got my braces I only ate oatmeal and apple sauce for weeks and after a tightening. Now that I have had them on for a while my tightenings don't hurt as much and I can eat normaly after tightenings now.

    The reason why your teeth didn't hurt the day you got your braces was because your teeth hadn't started shifting yet. Your teeth shift more at night than any other time of the day when you wear braces. Just think of it this way...when your teeth hurt that means that the braces are doing their job. Trust me, it will get better just hang in there.

  3. The pain will go away in about 2 days. It's very normal for your teeth to hurt while they shift. I would advice you to eat soft foods. (EX. Apple sauce, soft bread, soups,). Try to avoid sugar. SUPER BAD for your braces.

  4. It's just the pressure on your teeth. It should go away in a few days. But when you get the wire it will be the same thing.

    You could all soft foods.


    -ice cream


    *things like that.

    good luck!

  5. Tomorrow or Saturday it should stop hurting. I got mine on this morning.

  6. sometimes, for the first few days/weeks, your teeth might hurt because ur teeth r not used of having braces. soon, they will be able to do normal activities, such as chewing, spitting, etc. good luck!

    (im gettin braces too soon. :[[[[)

  7. The pain should be gone in the next 2 to 4 days. All you really can eat is soup and stuff.

  8. it'll go away dont worry....

    When i first got braces, i ate mainly yogurt and soup.. and DO NOT hit your teeth with a spoon while your drinking the soup or something it HURTS!

  9. I cant tell you when its gonna stop but i can tell you what will help. Special wax from the dental section in any pharmacutical store such as walmart, super market, or walgreens...  Also when you return to your orthadontist tell him. He might loosen them a bit.

    Mouth sores, cuts and deep pain in the jaw are common, especially in the early stages of braces. However, a few simple steps can help alleviate the pain associated with braces and make the experience more pleasant.


    Difficulty: Easy



    Step One

    Act fast. The constant adjustments involved when you have braces cause inevitable pain. However, if you treat the pain early, you are much more likely to make the experience more tolerable.


    Step Two

    Take pain relievers. Over-the-counter pain relief drugs such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen can help treat the deep mouth pain associated with new braces and constant adjustment. This pain originates from the pressure of shifting teeth and extends into the gums and jaws.


    Step Three

    Use wax. Orthodontists generally offer an unlimited supply of wax to patients. The friction associated with wires and metal fittings in the mouth tend to cause sores and cut the insides of cheeks and lips. By placing a ball of wax over the metal of the braces, especially at night, patients can avoid further irritation.


    Step Four

    Invest in an oral anesthetic. Over-the-counter anesthetics like Anbesol and Orajel temporarily deaden the mouth. Dab a small amount of the anesthetic on a cotton swab and apply it to sores in the mouth. The gel will deaden the spot and completely take away the pain for a limited amount of time. This method is particularly effective when trying to fall asleep at night. The gel wears off by morning, but allows a pathway to sleep.


    Step Five

    Try toothpaste for sensitive teeth. If you have a naturally sensitive mouth, a toothpaste for sensitive teeth can lessen mouth sensitivity over time and treat pain on a long term basis. By lessening the sensitivity of the mouth the adjustment of braces hurts less.


    Step Six

    Give it time. A tolerance to the pain associated with braces takes time. The longer you have braces the less you will experience the sores, cuts and deep pain that are common in the early stages.

  10. I can relate to the braces.

    You just got them on yesterday they will be hurting and feeling tight! Just take some motrin and eat really soft foods!

    I just got mine off last week!!!!!

    Best of Luck!

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