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Yesterday got braces fitted and it is hurting me alot, any suggestion how to get rid of this pain




  1. take an ibuprofen

  2. The pain will be there for about 5-7 days, well thats how long mine were sore for. It is soo annoying, you can take strong painkillers which help a little.. i know exactly what you are going through and sorry  but you will just have to put up with the pain for a while.

  3. Eat food that doesn't require a lot of chewing.. like soup. Don't worry it will go away in a couple of days (I know that sounds like forever but it will go by quickly!).

  4. I just got mine off! Ur not gona like this but if you have rubberbands it's gona continue hurting 4 a loooong time. If u don't then it will only take a week to stop hurting... take pain meds ♥

  5. hey there i have had braces for a year so i can help you out. The first couple days to a week that you have your braces on, your mouth is gonna feel tight and in pain. take an asprin and just lay on the couch or take a nap. I eat popcicles sometimes and keep an ice pack on my mouth. Just a heads up that whenever you get them tightened or get a new wire your gonna feel pain all over again. but just remember that at the end of all this your fonna have a 1 million$ smile.    

    P.S. It hurts to eat too so go with the soft foods for a while and lay off the laffy taffys :^) GOOD LUCK ON YOUR TEETH!!!!!

  6. itll soon go away..but if it really hurts, take tylenol or motrin or something :)))

  7. I have braces too.

    When I get them Tightned

    or whatever you want to call  it.

    It hurts badd.

    but there really nothing you really can do.

    People told me to chew sugar free gum.

    But my mouth hurt so bad I couldn't even eat. :[

    I don't know how bad your is, but all I did

    was sleep. Or watch tv.

  8. Num ur mouth

    go to rite aid or cvs and buy sumthin dat nums ur mouth :]

    i remeber wen i got braces thee c**p hurts :[

    buy sum numing medcine n those store n eat lots pf ice cream

  9. take advil.

  10. i got mine also yesterday and it hurts, i wasn't able to eat lunch very well..........a lady told me something about wax but she never gave it to me and i've been seeing the orajel that its useful to get rid of the pain

  11. You should set yourself to sleep.

    Then you can't feel the pain.

    Or you can lay down and stop biting your teeth,

    You can also take pain pills offered by the dentist,

    and try not to be so stressed out.

    Hope you feel better!

    Eat lots of soft things to keep the pain away

  12. u cant really.......u jdt have to wait a few days and then it goes away but that same thing comes back when you get them tightened

  13. there is no way to get rid of the pain.

    just be patient and you will get used to it and itll go away.

  14. try chewing on some walnuts ;-)

  15. take Tylenol or Advil for it. You could get some Orajel or anbesol and put it on your gums, that will numb it. You could also hold ice to your teeth, or take a rag and wet it with warm water and bit on it, and if they hurt really bad, only eat soft foods for a couple days. I know what it feels like, and it stinks i know. But it will all pay off in the end. The pain will subside in about 2-3 days. Good luck.
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