
Braces question? =/?

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mmk so, my bottom teeth are really crooked and my mom said i could get braces if i wanted to. but i have some questions [and i'm going to ask my dentist these questions too, but i want to get answers from people who actually had braces]

1. my top teeth are pretty straight, so if i do get them will they put them on my top teeth too? [i don't just want them on my bottom cause that might look wierd]

2. how long would i have them on?

3. is it really worth the pain?

thanks :)




  1. answer to number one: It depends on the orthodontist. if they think your top teeth are fine, but your bottoms aren't, then no, and if they to put braces on the top just tell them they don't want them too. They don't do it they u don't want to.

    Answer to number 2: This also depends on how bad they are. If there not to bad, then just about 9 months.If there really jacked up, then about a year. plus, if its a certain problem like there's not enough a room, then it will take longer because they'll have to put other stuff in for about a month or so until they can actually put the braces on.

    Answer to question number 3: Yes!! Its totally worth the pain, besides it really doesn't hurt that much. When i got braces i was in  3rd grade, so i cried, but that's only because i was wat, 8?? The older you are, the less it's gonna hurt. But keep in mind, the pain only lasts on how long you have braces. Your teeth and smile last forever. Its sounds cheesy buts it's true!!

  2. you get a choice of rubber vands go for grey as they blend in well

    dentis said id have mine on for 12 months more like 5 he said well that was a bit of luck when you get them tightend ask him to tighten them a lil more will hurt 1 or 2 days buts it takes about a month or 2 off

    doesnot hurt just like push your teet with your finger  

  3. Get them top and bottom definatly. If you top teath are straight maybe 6 months? and bottoms if there really crooked about 1 to 2 years.

    I had mine on for 3 years but mine were really bad!

    Yes, it is definatly worth the pain i just got mine off and they look amazing it changes your whole face and you will love them when your done.

    Go for it!

  4. I think they only put them on teeth that need to be corrected.  Does not look weird to only have them on the bottom.

    Usually about 2 years.

    Does not hurt.  Only in the beginning you have to get used to having them in your mouth.  Later it just seems normal.

    Well worth it, because you will have nice teeth for the rest of your life.

  5. Dont worry about how it looks, there braces, and theyd be off soon.

    Depends on how bad they are for how long you will need them.

    Is it worth the pain, for me it was. I had an overbite and i got braces and now i have a beautiful smile, and white shinning teeth. Mainly the first thing people see when they look at you, is your smile. No one knows why, but its true. Go to an orthodontist (braces guy) and they will answer all your questions!

    Hope this helped! Best of luck hun youll be fine!  

  6. I had my braces put on on the 10th of June, so I can't tell you that much, but I can tell you that it is worth everything. I have pretty bad teeth, fangs high up in my gum on my top teeth, a gap between my two front teeth, but I can't tell you whether they'll put a brace on your top teeth because 1. i need a picture to see how straight they actually are and 2. it depends what your othodontist thinks. You teeth might looks pretty straight, but my braces don't just straighten my teeth, they're widening my top jaw too because my bottom jaw is slightly bigger.

    I can tell you it is definately worth it. If you don't have braces on now, it'll be more difficult to have them on when your older, and you'll end up wishing you had done etc. I had to have 9 teeth out and it was agony, but now I've done it, I can't wait to have straight teeth so I can finally smile without thinking "OMG My teeth are showing!"

    I'm not going to lie to you, it is pretty painful, but the straighter your teeth, the less pain you'll have. The worst part is tightening, but after a while you'll get used to it. At first the braces feels massive but after around a week you get used to it. Now i can't feel anything. :)

    My front teeth ache and i can't bite into anything, but thats only because they're pretty bad, so yours shouldn't be like that. Theres a boy in my class who's only got them on his bottom teeth but they don't look wierd. You can always ask your othodontist to put them on the top teeth too. I'm sure he'll do it for you.

    If your teeth are more or less straight, you'll have them on for a year, but the worse they are, the longer you'll need them on for. I think i've got to have mine on for 2 to 2 and a half years, but you won't need them on for any longer. Sometimes you have them on for less than a year. Make sure you wear your retainers though otherwise you'll end up having to do it all over again.

    tbh, its not really REALLY painful. Its just achey. Its basically like having a sore bruise when you have it tightened - if you press on your teeth they throb a little. I'd say that having my teeth out was way more painful than having the brace on. If you do have pain, just take paracetemol, ibroprofen or whatever you usually take. Nurofen fast relief always work well for me.

    Sorry for the essay, but once i got going, i couldn't stop. haha

    hope i helped!

    Hannah xox

  7. just putting them on the bottem looks totally fine... they wont put them on the top if you dont need it.\

    anywhere from 1 year up... probably 2 years tho

    totally worth the pain... it looks so good when you get them off you wont be able to stop smiling!!!!

  8. Well, If you get braces its the doctors decision that matters. I believe that you might get on top and bottom...

    IT varies I mean i had mine for 4 years others had theirs for 1... peoples teeth move at different rates.

    Yes, always make sure u have a great smile... no one knows who might fall in love with it  

  9. well my top teeth were straight too but i had a little gap between my two front teeth but they did put both on for me and will probably do the same for you. but every dentist/ortho is diff. it depends how much work you need done in your mouth. my teeth were perfectly straightin the end but i had an overbite so i needed elastics. it depends mine took almost 3 yrs. someone else i know got them off in 7months braces aren't only for straighting teeth. it depends if you think its worth the pain they dont really hurt other than getting them on and tightened. and also when they scrape the glue off of your teeth when and if you get them off if you decide you want them.

    good luck!!!!!!1 hope i helped!!!!!!!!!

    p.s. if you want perfectly straight teeth then i think its worth the pain. the end result is truly amazing

  10. 1.  Depending on how your bite is will determine if they have to align the top teeth.

    2.  About a year if things go well.  Expect to wear a retainer for a bit longer.

    3.  If you want straight teeth - Yes.

  11. 1. my top teeth are pretty straight, so if i do get them will they put them on my top teeth too? [i don't just want them on my bottom cause that might look wierd] It depends on what the denist thinks...

    2. how long would i have them on? Depending on how crooked your teeth are and you do everything your denist says its usualy to a year or 2

    3. is it really worth the pain? All the way its worth every penny because I have had mine off since october 2 and I have had so many complinments how my teeth are so straight! =]

    Good luck! I hope I helped! If you have any more questionsn just email me!

  12. the pain is so minimal and its deffinately worth'll just feel better about how your teeth look

    i dont think they'll give you top braces as long as your bite is still straight
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