
Braces!!!???? question?

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have you had braces if u have how long did you wear them and how old were you?




  1. I was 12 when mine were put on, and was about to turn 14 when they were removed. So I had them for a little over a year and a half.

  2. Well, I don't have braces but my daughter do. You have to wear them for about a year and half that if you follow what the doctor told you if not you have to wear them longer. When you get your braces off you have to wear a retainer to issue that you teeth stay perfect. They are remarkable. Good luck.

  3. i have some on rigth knw im 14 and ive been with them a year and need a year left

    plz answer mine;...

  4. it doesn't even matter how old you are. i had to wear mine for three years, but that was because my teeth were bad. some only have to wear them for several months, or one year only. some have to go for five years.

  5. End of 6th grade. I'm getting them off right after school starts this year, I'm going into 9th grade.

    Actually I already got my bottoms off. =]

  6. I got braces on when I was 13 and wore them for 3 years. Most of the time 2 years is enough. However, I was the one that never wore my rubber bands, and therefore had to keep my braces on longer. If you want them off sooner, then do whatever the orthodontist tells you to do.  

  7. i got braces when i was 12 got them off by 14. Braces only bother u the first 3 days then u dont feel them or anything. U will ve braces for at least year in a half.  

  8. I've had them for one and a half years and i was eleven when i got them.

  9. i was 11 and i had them for a year

  10. I had braces for 4 years, ugh but that's just me, everyone is different.

  11. I don't have braces but my sister has them and she is only 8 years old. She has had them for about a year.


  12. i had braces put on when i was twelve... just turning thirteen. i got them off three months after i turned fourteen and my teeth were messed up bad!!! I wore them for just under 2 years.

    braces are a huge impact. my smile is greater than ever now and i'm so glad that i got braces!!!

  13. I was 12 when I got them was meant to have them in for no more than a year but i had them for just over a year and a half

  14. I have braces, and I am 13.

    I will have them for another 2 years or so, treatment has just started.

    They are cool and I love how you can change the colours, plus you get a decent smile at the end of it! :)

  15. I got my braces (top and bottom) when I was 12 1/2 and now I am 14 and about 9 months, so I have had them for a little over two years.

    hopefully getting them off soon.

  16. you usually have to wear them for 12 - 18 months

  17. i was thirteen when i got them put in,

    i kept my top ones in for six months and bottom ones in for a year :)

  18. 2 years

    depends how big the gap or w/e is

    i was pretty young around 12 or 13

    but if youre geting them just hope theyll be off by highschool 11 or 12 grade

    kinda embarasing

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