
Braces rubber bands?

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I've been wearing my elastics for about 3 months now. I'm probably going to get my braces off really soon. Do you think it would be okay if I just wore the bands at night time? I'm supposed to wear them all the time, but they are a pain to wear at school. Would it be okay? thank you.




  1. you probably should wear them all the time. I'd forget to wear mine sometimes and I ended up having my braces on for an extra month or so.

    If its such a pain, you could try just having them on when your hanging around your house, but double the bands up when your sleeping to compensate. That wouldn't be my first recommendation, though.

  2. They work better when you move your jaw. I would pick a couple days not to ware them instead of the whole week.

  3. I had to wear them not long ago. If you have been wearing them for a long time it should be okay just to wear them at night. But if i were you i would carry on wearing them all the time, so your teeth are as nice as possible, when you get your braces off.

  4.   I got braces not rubber bands because its much easier and cleaner but anyway take em off at school and wear them the rest of the day. I have headgear for my teeth and I only wear it when I sleep and my teeth are almost perfect.

  5. My girl friend used to have braces.. I used to make her use industrial strength rubber bands so that she couldn't open her mouth... the peace and quiet was astounding!!!

  6. Wear them all the time. You'll have to keep them on longer if you don't.

  7. If you were told to wear them all day wear them all day. If you don't wear them your teeth can still move so just wear them because you don't want to have to wear your braces even longer!

  8. Depends on how long you want to wear the braces for?  The purpose of the elastics is to add extra pull on your teeth - i.e. speed up the process.  If you only wear the elastics 1/2 the time it will take longer for the teeth to move where your orthodontist wants them to be.

  9. to be honest, i only wore mine at night...for the whole time (about a year) i was supposed to be wearing them. my ortho never said anything to me about it and said i was doing a great job wearing them. little did he

  10. Well takingthem off in the day will slow down the movement of you teeth, therefore will mean you will have to wear your braces for longer than planed. So if i was you i would just wear them =] .  

  11. Please wear them on all the time. If you don't wear your rubber bands as told your treatment time will be extended. It will be longer.  
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