
Braces scratching mouth??????

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Do the braces scratch your mouth??? I always move my braces around in my mouth and they dont scratch my mouth....if you have wore braces for 2 years or longer what is it like??? i have to wear mine for 2 years (just got mine on yesterday August 12 at 2pm)




  1. alright it might not be with everones braces but with mine, my whole mouth is scratched up with sores and such. like the inside of my bottom there is chunks missing from braces. and i have holes in the side of my cheek where the wire came out and stuck in my cheek. but they soon will get better.

  2. My braces actually did scratch my mouth at first, but only for a week or so. I wore braces for approximately two years - you get used to them. It actually felt weird when they came off. The only thing I hated about them was the flossing.

  3. Hey don't worry much about it dear, it's been quite usual to have braces for a longer time depending on your treatment plan. You only have to be careful about your oral hygiene, brush your teeth properly almost every time you eat anything, use fluoride mouth rinse daily, in general you just have top take more care of your teeth than before.

  4. They can scratch a little.  I found it more to be uncomfortable when the wire began to poke me.  They'll give you a wax that will take away that pain very easily though.  You may develop a sore where they scratch, which will be one way you know your mouth is uncomfy even if you don't feel it, but they go away.

    I've had mine on for about a year and a half, and I'm getting them off soon.  I was told a year, so its been a while coming.  While the time seems to have flown looking back on it, at the time I probably would have told you that I was anxiously waiting for the end that never came lol.  You'll be ready to have them off, but enjoy seeing how your teeth turn out!

  5. I have to wear my braces for 2 years too. I've had mine for a little over 9 months now. Its pretty much the same as before except I can't feel the front of my teeth. After a few weeks, you don't feel them. Sometimes they do scratch your mouth. Careful not to bump your mouth on anything. The braces will cut your lip occasionally. Sometimes the wires scrape against your cheeks. Its fine after a little while.  

  6. i have braces and had them for 6months and also wear a head set. the braces scratch my bottom lip cuz i wear the head set and it pushes my lip on the braces but as u have braces longer ur skin  grows tougher and it doesnt hurt anymore. also there is this thing call othrowax where u put it up on ur braces and then the edges poking ur skin isnt in contact with ur skin. overall braces hurt cuz of the pull and the movement or ur teeth and jaw and alot of ur facial bones and i hate them but in 2 years i will have perfect teeth. so if u dont have a head set the braces wont scratch after a week or 2

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