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So I got my braces a week ago and then they were ok and I was starting to eat a bit but now today my back tooth is soo sore... not like a toothache just really tender.. Just out of nowhere... is that normal? Does it just mean my teeth are starting to move?




  1. Yes, it means your tooth is moving.  It's probably your gums that are sore around the tooth.  If it's the actual tooth then you have a cavity.  My one tooth always was sore around the gums whenever I'd get them tightened due to the way that tooth was situated, kind of squeezed in on the bottom.  It was much sorer once I got my retainer because the doc put a spring behind the tooth to push it into place.  It was a stubborn tooth. Maybe that particular tooth of yours is stubborn or overly crowded too.  Try some ambesol.  It helps a little.

  2. Most likely. If it really bothers you, you can try Tylenol.  The soreness should ease in about a week.

  3. yes that's very normal. every once and a while you will experience pain for no reason. they change a lot within the first few months so be ready for pain.

  4. Brush thoroughly(@ least twice a day) & floss, braces hurt. But if there is any inflammation of the gums near your sore tooth, tell your dentist.

    -Dental Assistant

  5. yeah its normal, you'll get used to them there just moving from back to fourth, you'll get this randomly on different teeth. no worries!

  6. I got my braces in January and i was surprised that I actually didn't have too many problems.  But every once in a while when I does, I use orajel.  It's this little medicine stuff and you just squirt some on your finger and rub it around the sore area.  Hope I helped.

  7. yes it is.i had braces for 3 years and it is just your teeth getting used to them

  8. Yep that's normal alright I had braces also and my back teeth were sore. You will get used to your braces and the pain will disappear. When your teeth hurt that means its working. If your teeth hurt for more that 3 weeks or something and there's blood then you should contact your orthodontist.



  9. Oh yea that is completely normal! The first week or two that you have braces your teeth do a LOT of adjusting and it will really hurt! But don't worry it will subside, and the pain will totally be worth it! Just try not to bite down on anything too hard to chew for a while. That is really the only thing you can do. Just think on the bright side... thats what I did when I had braces... if my teeth ache, that means the braces are working!!! lol

  10. My teeth get like that when I go to get my braces tightened, it is just normal, if it is really sore the have some panandol or something like that, but the pain will eventually go away. Your teeth are just adjusting to the braces and are starting to move a little bit, this i perfectly normal and it will also happen when you get your braces tightened. Try not to eat any rice, grainy breads, nuts and stuff like that for a while until you get used to eating, they can be a bit tricky and messy to eat.

    Hope your teeth get better soon.Also for inflamed gums and tender teeth you could get some bonjella, I use it when my gums are swollen and teeth are teder, it is just baby teething pain soother, it sounds weird but it really helps.

  11. I just got my braces about 2 months ago! The exact same thing happened to me. It is just your teeth getting used to it. I mean think about it, a piece of metal is getting shoved onto your teeth, it would make them pretty sore. That is what happens for about 2-3 weeks while your teeth are getting used to it. I could also be your teeth starting to move. I hope the pain gets better, but if it gets really severe call your orthodontist! I hope this helps : )

  12. yeah. when they start to line up, it'll pull the one that is most out of line first, so that one was probably not lined up as well as the other ones. all tooth pain is normal while you have your braces on. good luck!

  13. OMG! I hate that, yes, thats what happened to me, just take pain pills, not the ones doctors give you, just regular ones, that you would use for muscle pains. You should be taking it every 4-6 hours, and tell your parents. Just in case. Also, your teeth will be sore for about a week or two. But soon enough, the pain will go away with- in about 3 days, after having them for about 9 months, thats how it is for me.

    Hope they feel better!


  14. Your teeth are shifting.  It's normal  for there to be tenderness.  They will usually be tender every time you get them adjusted or O-rings changed.

  15. **It's completely normal.  I used to find that for about two or three days after I went to the dentist my teeth would be very sore and sensitive but it's just because they're moving and the braces are doing their job.

    Anyone who tells you that you're carrying on etc (I used to get told that by people) has no idea what they're talking about so don't listen to them.

    Good luck with your braces, I'm sure they'll be off before you know it.**

  16. Yes that's normal.

    Braces nearly always make your teeth and/or gums sore.

    I was always told by my orthodontist to chew on some chewing gum.

    Or just take some panadol.

    It will go away.


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