
Braces tips plz?

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I am getting braces in 1 day and i need 2 know EVERYTHING bout em. wat colours do they have? how long 2 put them on? any tips from experience? thanks I know you'll help :)




  1. they generally have a LOT of colors, orange, red, pink, purple, blue, white (i wouldnt reccomend getting white... no matter how often you brush your teeth, they always turn yellow)

    and you can change the bands every couple of months.

    how long you have them on depends on what the orthodontist tells you, its generally more than a year, it can be up to three or four years tho, depending on how things go/if your mouth grows at all

  2. I just got mine taken off and my teeth are perfect i love it! Tip for after braces off::: Wear retainer no matter what


    Took me an hour to get on

    They have all colors imaginable

    Brush your teeth alot to make sure there is no food stuck in there and so when you get them off you don't have stains

    Don't chew on hard stuff it will break the brackets

    If you have to wear rubber bands do it or you have to wear your braces 10x longer then you should

    If you break something tell them right away

    Something they don't want you to know:::

    Sugar free gum doesn't stick to your braces so you can chew gum they just don't want you to know... I chewed regular gum anyways nothing happens

  3. They Have TONS Of Colors, You Can Get One Color, To Colors, Criss Cross, Checkerboard, Anything Like That. Hmm. There Not That Hard To Get Used To But You Will Be Sore For About A Day. And Before You Go To Get Them On I Would Take A PainRelifer So That It Wont Hurt That Much. And Make Sure You Dont Eat Anything Brick Hard Because I Did That Once And One Of My Brackets Came Off, It Wasnt That Plesant Lol... But If Your Worried And Stuff About Getting Them On Dont Be! It Will Be A Breeze And Your Teeth Will Look Awesome When You get Em' Off [=

    Hope I Helped[:

  4. well, i am pretty sure you orthodontist will inform you on all of this? If this is your first visit you will not be getting your braces yet you will have your initial consultation. Usually after your consultation you will have a appointment for records and this is when they will take a impression of your teeth this is no way hurts and (its pretty just a mold of your teeth). you bite down on what looks like a mouth guard and it has type of putty that will give the orthodontist the full impression of your mouth also they put spacers on your back molars. These re rubber bands that make a space so they are able to put the ring on your back molar to hold your braces together. Then after all of that is done and over with you will finally have your braces put on there are many types invisilign lingual braces, Clear braces which are just clear brackets i do not recommend this if you are not an avid brush er because these ceramic brackets tend to stain, and last but not least your regular old Joe smoe braces in which you are able to change your rubber band color to any color of your choice. Trust me they have every color out there. Also I am unable to tell you how long to keep them on but your orthodontist will be able to determine this,depending on how bad your teeth are

  5. if you are getting regular metal braces it will be really uncomfortable getting them put on. as for colors you can choose what color bands get put on at each visit. you are going to have to stay away from sticky chewy stuff like carmel, gum,popcorn, peanut brittle that kind thing. if you an apple eater its best to chop it up before you eat it. your ortho should give some papers on any other special care.

  6. i have braces and they aren't as bad as people say.  i mean sure, food does get stuck in them once in a while, but if you're at skewl then bring a mini tooth brush or something and brush your teeth after lunch.  if ur braces ever hurt, your dentist will probably give you this wax stuff that you can put onto the bracket(the part that's stuck onto your tooth) so that it wont rub against your mouth and wont hurt anymore.  they hav many colours, purple pink blue... lots of them to choose from!  i've had braces for a little over a year now and haven't had any problems with them- just remember, when they're off you'll have perfect teeth!

  7. hun, first of all they really are not that bad.

    a- it depends which type of braces you get for colours for example mine don't need elastics. but i have friends with all crazy colours so you will need to ask your doctor about it. :)

    b- it depends also, talk to your doctor.

    c- YES, don't freak out at the beggining. enjoy them, you will be able to see your teeth straighten it's actually really cool and don't worry, you can still make out with braces! lol. xoxo hope i helped.

  8. okay they have just about every color. They have clear, pinks, black, white and different shades of just about every color.

    They can hurt from between 2 days-2 weeks

    when you first get them youn will get blisters in your mouth so use your wax

    if you chew gum chew sugarless gum

    do not have anything with caramel or anything chewy or hard

    eat/drink a lot less sugar drinks and if you do brush your teeth right after

    avoid chewing pens, pencils and fingernails

    take your timebrushing and use a soft toothbrush

    brush slowly and takeyour time

    if you have anymore questions ask your orthodontist
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