
Braces??? um...HELP?!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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see i won't a brace but not a fixed on as i only need some sort of brace on the 10 teeth on the top row. Is there any way i can have a brace that i can remove at night or whatever???

anything you know will help as i know nothing of the subject. Thanks ;D




  1. Hi,My friend they have braces now available that are barely visible to others.I will give you a web site to find out all about your  problem.It is called (how stuff and you can find out what is available to you.Good Luck.

  2. I have seen the ones that you slip on your teeth that are clear. Your best bet is to ask your dentist.

  3. Yeah my friend had one its kinda moulded to the top of your mouth and fits in but you can take it out when you want ask your dentist

  4. its easy to get that. Just say you don't want a fixed brace. They are fine. I had a fixed brace last year. Its no way near as bad as peaople make it out to be. :)

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