
Brad Ebert drafted to west coast!?

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Can you believe that Adelaide didn't pick Brad? I think the crows have stuffed up here!

With the "Ebert" pedigree behind him, surely he should have been first pick over the young victorian boy they selected? (not taking anything away from him, lets hope he does well) BUT..........

I bet uncle Russell will be quite pissed off that his nephew is going to W.A.!

Of all the teams in the AFL, the WCE would be the absolute LAST place anybody would want their son/nephew sent to!

Lets hope they look after him a little better than they did Chris and Ben!!!!




  1. Yes, the Crows have selected a player that can beat nearly everyone at vertical leaps & 20 & 30 metre sprints. It doesn't matter that he can't play football.

    I think that any South Australian would be so relieved when they heard they'd been selected by a another state. Anyone would want to get away from Craig's methodical, text book style of coaching. I reckon he wont see another year out at the Crows. Ebert must be so happy.

    Looks like it's knock the West Coast Eagles night tonight! But that is par for the course with Crows fans, isn't it?

    Sometimes I'm glad I'm in a rugby State with Aussie Rules as a secondary sport. We, luckily, don't have supporters such as I see in this forum.

  2. It's funny how the interstate teams whinge and moan when one of their interstate recruits wants to go home, yet when they have the chance to pick up a quality home grown recruit that wouldn't want to go anywhere interstate they pass on them.

    I think Adelaide has made a great mistake picking a future player that wants to stay in Melbourne to finish of his schooling, there are many a fine school in Adelaide that's the equal of the Victorian schools IE: Scotch, Westminster, St Peters and Prince Alfred to name a few.

    By the young fellow staying in Melbourne his development as a footballer is put back by another year, so the potential for him playing may be mid 09 or even 2010, That's if he is any good to begin with?

    To Gutsache, with the problems WCE have had over the last few years, would you not be concerned about your son going into that environment or do you think it's just part of footy culture now and people should deal with it!

    Oh that's right your from the Rugby League culture of offending as many people as you can and if someone doesn't agree with your ex stars then there just Neville's, defend all those players that treat women with contempt.

    Your brand of footy may be played in several countries world wide but your still uneducated northern state retards who are still living in the Neanderthal ages of the Seventies and Eighties, times have changed mate, if you don't like this forum, why do you visit it.

  3. Well, this question has ruffled some feathers, but it is a good one. Passing up a kid with the already proven Ebert pedigree seems like a foolish move. How can statistics like beat tests and vertical leap be more important than simply being very good at playing football? I'm always pleased to hear that a kid my team's picked up has good numbers and is obviously fit and agile, but compared to a name like Ebert, so long as the kid is reasonably good I'd take him. Tyson Goldsack had quite ordinary numbers, I think we took him in the sixties, He could have easily been passed over altogether. But the Collingwood recruiters watched him play and saw something they liked. Now, despite those numbers, he is a first pick every week after less than 20 games.

    Draft camp figures have no way to measure guts and determination, let alone loyalty, heart and love of the game.

    Give me a kid with these things over spectacular beat test numbers any day!

    And don't underestimate pedigree. Heath Shaw, Travis Cloke, Brett Ebert and the Cornes brothers are fairly strong arguments in its favour!

    I also think that West Coast, despite an abundance of talented players, has quite a few internal problems at the moment, The Judd move, as well as the headline stuff, is fairly indicative of that, and its not where I'd want my kid going. Sure, Woosher must be a bloody good coach to get a side into a preliminary with the problems brewing there, but at this rate the Weagles might not be around much longer, though I hope I'm wrong.

    With a bit of luck young Ebert might do a Buckley, starting with one club for a year before moving to where he wants to play. I think its a shame that young players get absolutely no say in where they go. A lot of the time 17-18 year olds aren't ready to live on their own, thousands of miles from family, combine this with money and star status, and you have a recipe for disaster, no wonder we've had so many nightclub incidents of late.

    Floreat Pica

  4. The first real surprise of the draft. The issue with Ebert is that he didn't have great numbers in the disciplines set out at draft camp. Draft camp isn't everything, but the the Crows loved Dangerfield's numbers from that camp (Ranked in the top three for both the 30m repeat sprints (23.96sec) and the vertical leap (73cm) and was also a top 10 ranked performer in the 20m sprint (2.92sec)).

    The Crows knew they couldn't have both. It is still a lottery and who can say in 4-5 years what will happen.

  5. To early to tell

  6. Yes I'm also not happy about this...the Crows should have gone for local SA talent rather than interstaters...never heard of this Dangerfield, and hes not willing to come over to Adelaide for another year (dont know why he put hes name down?).

    I beat ya that Brad Ebert will end up getting a Rising Star nomination in stinks the whole thing.    And also we should have gone for Greenwood as a 2nd round draft pick.

    Will the Adelaide Crows ever get recruiting right?  I doubt it.

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