
Bradford / Durham / Nottingham / Exeter / Leeds / Kent MBA.?

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I have offers from the Bradford / Durham / Nottingham / Exeter / Leeds / Kent colleges for MBA programme

Need info on

1. Which MBA College is the best among these (Job prospects, salary, reputation)

2. Any other information which might be important.

My background - I have 7.5 years of work ex and currently working as PM in IT MNC, India and going for General MBA. Post MBA, would like to work in UK.

Any info / help would be appreciated.






  1. Guest33673

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  3. Hello,

    I have Durham, Nottingham, Exeter, Glasgow, Leicester and am waiting for Cranfield, Reading and Bath MBA offers. The research I have done has confused me more than it answered questions.

    Durham MBA 09


    Durham is now triple accredited and Times 2010 ranking gives it 8th place, Guardian 2010 gives it 14th place, FT 2009 places it at 80th, EIU 2008 at 65th but this was before they were triple accredited so I am assuming Durham is going to jump the rankings in FT next year like Strathclyde jumped after it received triple accredition, they have companies like KPMG, Accenture, Barclays, LLoyds, BP recruiting MBA's. 3rd oldest college in UK going by the history after Oxford and Cambridge.


    They haven't consistently made the top lists for last 5 years, university is not campus based like Nottingham, Durham is a small city compared to Nottingham and London. Based on the tidbits on the blogs, I could find I think MBA is not paid as much attention by the university as compared to say Nottingham MBA, I welcome criticism on this point.

    Nottingham MBA 09


    MBA has consistently made the top list, lately Times 2010 ranking gives it 20th place, Guardian 2010 gives it 26th place, FT 2009 places it at 100th, EIU 2008 at 93rd. Research is better than Durham, Has broader ranking coverage by beyondgreypinestripe and rae. Better campus and thought out MBA program.
    Better local internships/jobs as city is bigger than Durham.


    Has slid in rankings lately, apart from corporate social responsibility, no leading programs. Durham scores over it in most of the forums. High number of asian students who are considered a liability than asset(general feeling in the west) to a business school.

    Other MBA 09

    Exeter, Glasgow, Leicester are good in UK but have lower world rankings so I am going to keep them aside for now.

    These are my inferences from research on internet and would love to know other viewpoints. Good MBA 2009 hunt to fellow aspirants.

    Go 2009 MBA!

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