
Bragging rights for The Red Wings fans now ?

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if we win Stanley;

Lidstrom will be the FIRST EVER European in history to win as Captain...

So, we get to have bragging rights about THAT...

That must show, how good a defenceman Liddy is.


from Down-Under too; Melbourne.




  1. I think winning the Stanley Cup is enough to brag about as a team's fan. The rest is just gravy for Lidstrom. I think he only cares about winning the cup for the team not for himself.

  2. Travis:  I don't know what games you watch but the Wings are not a dirty team.  They are one of classiest teams in the NHL.  They are not the ones resorting to dirty tactics like the Pens.

  3. I think those who call the Wings dirty are confused.  The guys in the yellow and white jerseys are the Penguins.  Dirty???  Gary Roberts punching Franzen in the head (not called), Whitney hitting Franzen in the head, Ruutu slashing Samuelsson in the chest, Crosby sucker punching someone near the beginning of Game 2 (not called), Roberts punching Stuart in the head from behind.  Watch the play just before Malone interferes with Osgood, Kronwall gets position in front of the goal and Hossa comes in and pulls Kronwall's feet out from under him.  Sykora runs Osgood, Roberts gets away with a blatant stick slash on Stuart (makes up for it by punching Stuart in the head).  Crosby whining to the ref ALL game.

    The Wings are in their head... did you hear the press conference with Therrien and Crosby... they barely talked about their own performance and proceeded to whine about the Wings "obstructing".  Sorry Therrien, this is what real defense is.  It may feel like obstruction but it is not, its just better Western Conference defense.

    If Pittsburgh plays in the Western Conference, at best they are a .500 team.

    Therrien needs to get fire under his team and his own @ss and worry about his own game.  Whining just tells the other team that they are doing their job.  You can't let on that your frustrated no matter how bad you are.  His demeanor after the first game was HORRIBLE.  He can't expect to motivate his team acting like that.  The Penguins got away with a lot of c**p in that game.  You don't see the sucker punches from the Wings, that's because at this stage of the playoffs they will be benched for doing something that stupid.

    Detroit is an amazingly well coached team, unlike the Penguins.

  4. No bragging from this longtime Wings fan until Lidstrom is lifting the Stanley Cup.

    So, Melbourne, eh? Which is it, Carlton or Collingwood for you in the AFL?

    NOTE: The Captain's "C" was moved on the Red Wings' sweaters because of the tip of the winged wheel being too near it. Notice that Zets and Dats have their A on the same side, too.

  5. I don't really have a favorite team but everytime I watch the redwings play they are extremly dirty. Not so bad last night but still.

  6. I think that no matter what happenes at this point, the Wings have a little bit of bragging rights.  With how everybody commenting about how great the Wings (and especially Crosby) are, the Wings never let it get to them, never backed down, and win or lose at this point to get two shutouts in the SCFs, they deserve the right to brag a little bit.   Winning the cup would just put it over the top and considering how great Lidstrom has been for years, I would love to see be the first European captain to win.

    As far as Lidstrom goes on a personal level, just being named captain of the Wings after Yzerman's amazing 20 year captaincy gives him bragging rights, even if he never hoists the cup as captain.

    Go Wings!!!

  7. Dewman pretty much summed it all up.

    Go Red Wings :)

    And really Travis - compared to how dirty the Pens play, the Wings look like saints.

  8. Lidstrom is just unreal.  The Pens can't even get to the net.  I called Wings in 5, now I'm not sure the Pens get a goal, much less win a game!!

    I just wish they didn't do the g*y thing with the C on the wrong side.  Stevie Y had it on the right side.....

  9. ^^^^

    Best answer.

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