
Brain damage from pain killers (tramadol)?

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I was recently diagnosed with mononucleosis, and have been suffering intense sore throat as a result. I went to my family doctor yesterday to tell her about the pain, and she prescribed me a bottle of 50mg tramadol tablets. I told her that I had a very bad reaction to Lortab (hydrocodone), but she said that tramadol likely wouldn't give me the same trouble.

So, I went home and took one tablet of tramadol as per her advice. After an hour and a half, it didn't seem to be affecting me, so I took a second tablet (her prescription was for 1 to 2 tablets every six hours). After another hour, I suddenly felt extremely tired and dizzy, and could barely keep my head up. My pupils were constricted, and though I wasn't hallucinating or shaking, I was afraid that I was suffering from a mild overdose. I started to get an intense headache about six hours after taking the initial pill. Thankfully, I stayed awake for the next ten hours and the symptoms began to subside, so I slept for the night. Today I've woken up without the headache, but I still feel drowsy and like my head is stuffed with cotton. I feel like I can't concentrate or think straight, and I've been making typos all day long. I also have a feeling of pressure behind my forehead.

I'm worried about what happened to me on tramadol. After looking up online testimonials, I've read that it's extremely addictive and can lead to seizure and adverse reactions in people who react badly to opiates. I have no idea why my doctor wouldn't tell me this. Do you think I'm still suffering mild side effects of yesterday's dose, or is there a potential that I've permanently damaged my brain by taking 100mg of tramadol? I weigh about 130 pounds. Is there a minimum amount which leads to overdose? Has anyone else had a bad experience with tramadol?




  1. You definately haven't caused any kind of serious brain damage from a dose that low.  Tramadol is a non-narcotic alternative to narcotic drugs.  What are are describing sounds like fairly run of the mill side effects and you should try taking something else.

    Tramadol also increases serotonin in your brain which is probably what caused the dizziness/drowsiness and headache.  Tramadol is also bad to take if you are on antidepressants as it can trigger serotonin syndrome.

  2. What you describe is not uncommon. You did NOT suffer brain damage. Call your pharmacist and discuss this with them. They actually have more knowledge about side effects than most physicians.

  3. I would talk to the doctor about this.  You may have taken the second pill too soon, as it may take a few hours to feel the effects of the medication.  

    Hope you feel better soon.

  4. yeah i've taken trammadol before and it ALWAYS gives me a headache.  That dizzy and tired feeling is normal (I actually like that feeling)  But the headaches are the worst with trammadol.  I was the opposite of you,  I was taking tramadol but the headaches were so bad i said "i would rather have pain in my body than that headache you get from trammadol"  so i was switched to hydrocondone.  I wouldnt get as bad a headache from hydrocodone, but if I took alot of it, i would sometimes but only after taking it 3 or 4 days in a row.  But now i take Tylenol 3 which is codine & tylenol.  I dont get the headaches from that.

    But i definately understand that feeling of feeling brain damaged by tramadol especially if you take 100mg and you have never taken it before as its strong stuff.  When i took trammadol, I took it for a few months and weighing 150 pounds myself, i rarely took more than 100mg and that was only after i built up a tolerance to it.  100mg for your first time is waaaayyy too much.  Also with trammadol it takes forever to kick in.  Sometimes 45 minutes or longer before you feel anything and sometimes longer than 1 hour so i can understand why you thought it wasnt working.    Tylenol 3 kicks in after 10 to 15 minutes so i think its better.

  5. No brain damage but read one of my old answers, this is a crappy drug.People have had the same reaction the first time they took it and if people think the headaches these things give are euphoria, huff paint I say.

    There are a lot of things to consider with Ultram. First Tramadol is a narcotic and opiate. The medical world and doctors have been lying about this for years. It does have a potential for abuse. ANd on this premise. People ate them like candy thinking they were harmless and a lot of them are in rehabs now.

    Ultram is two drugs in one. A weak opiate and a mild anti-depressant. SSI )Serotonin)inhibiting properties. I know people that have taken it for years and never had an issue. Than again there are people that took it and had extreme blood shot eyes and bags under their eye's and felt like they were going to have a stroke. This drug is notorious for horrible brain cracking migraines.And this was after using it once. It is a poor drug and like anything else is good for short term perhaps.

    You might take it and it might be the greatest thing in the world for you. But realize this, it can take up to 21 days to get out of you. The withdrawal is far worse than any other opiate can produce and the bone pain it gives in withdrawal is notorious. With the two compounds in it the drug has a 9 hour half life. So being 50mg pills it does build up in you. I hate Ultram. But that is a opinion. My aunt loves it. It is best for use in people that are not physically dependant and are opiate naive. Tramadol is sold OTC in India. I thought I would throw in that fun fact. AND; Do not ever mix this drug with an anti-depressant!

    6 days ago

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