
Brain or heart surgery is needed to save your life?

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Would you want a surgeon whose education was based, even partially, on the theory that Man was created intact by a deity?

Or would you want the surgeon whose entire education was based on the Theory of Evolution, with observable microscopic data?




  1. Can't be a good doctor if you don't understand the scientific method...and really the theory of evolution is something that is standard thinking in the best universities around the world...I would not trust a surgeon who is more likely to believe and rely on a creation myth than any scientific principles undergirding his or her profession.

  2. I would want the one who graduated top of his/her class, has the best surgical record, and has saved the most lives.  I wouldn't care about his/her religious beliefs (or lack thereof).  

  3. Mostly I'd want the best surgeon, but if that surgeon views me as a valuable soul and not an exotic breed of orangutan, all the better.

  4. It has never occurred to be to discuss with a Doctor his views on evolution. I am more concerned with his education and experience as a Doctor and his reputation within his profession.

  5. OK, I've heard alot of misconceptions about what scientific creationism really is and I want to set the record straight.  

    Scientific Creationism doesn't completely reject the idea of evolution.  They embrace the concept of micro-evolution (evolution within a particular species).  One would have to be a moron to reject the fact that every species has changed and grown over the course of history.  

    Where Creationism veers off is in the realm of Macro-evolution (the idea that individual species can splinter off, creating two or more independent species).   Under creationism, we didn't all pop into existence, magically formed like we are now.  Instead, we did evolve from a lesser lifeform.  They just reject that two species (say, us and chimpanzees) came from the same common ancestor.   And while there is evidence that many species' evolutions paralleled each other up to certain points in their history, it's not rock-solid and there is plenty of room left for doubt.  Creationists claim these "parallel developments" are just coincidence, which is always possible and does NOT violate any evidence we have.  

    I believe in macro-evolution, I want to make that clear.  I just hear so many people claim that creationism is "not science" or "pseudoscience".  Honestly, it's a far less LIKELY theory, but it's just as valid from a scientific standpoint.

  6. Doesn't matter, as long as he/she's a good doctor.  

  7. If they could fix me i wouldn't give a flying flip what their religious beliefs are.

  8. It's not that incompatible of a set of beliefs. If you see the hand of God in your science, fine, so be it.  As long as they get the medicine right.

    Now I would like a president with a solid grounding in economics who doesn't believe that the economy can be "managed".

  9. Kennedy's doctor graduated from the U of ILLinois,

    So I want one that proved his skills and who the referring doctors

    would use for their own families

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