
Brain shivers... after stopping medication? help please?

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I had no idea there was a such thing. I was prescribed effexor for depression and after the first prescription was gone I decided to stop taking it, because it made me nauseous after I took it and some other side effect, dry mouth etc. So lately I've been getting this weird kind of shiver going on and I just googled it and wikepedia said it was brain shivers caused from withdrawal of antidepressants. I have a followup appt on fri. should I start taking it again. this shiver thing is kind of freaking me out. Obviously I have problems. I have an issue with taking meds. I usually don't even take cold medicine. I finally took this antidepressant because I was desperate. I may be bipolar or something. I'm feeling a bit crazy right now, but now that I know what this weird shivering thing is coming from, I am feeling worse. Sorry for the rambling




  1. I jumped of Aropax last year and i was really dizzy and i had the brain zaps and felt really weird.

    It has taken me six months of c**p and i am now taking Effexor .

    It felt really good to feel kinda normal again but i really do need this meds.

  2. I would suggest you call you doctor asap and explain the situation.  I would not suggest waiting until Friday.  You are having withdrawals from "stopping" the prescription.  Depending on how long you have been without it and how high the dosage is...the doctor might suggest taking 1/2 of the dosage and then bringing it down gradually if side effects are too much for you!  I can't take anything that continuously makes me sick either.  Good Luck!

  3. I had the same thing after deciding to quit my 250mg daily dosage of Effexor... as well as body shocks, like the kind you get during a serious flu.

    Yes it is withdrawls.

    When ever a person suddenly stops taking something they will have withdrawls- it even effects you emotionally.

    It is not dangerous, just unsettling. Try and calm down and ride it out. Hopefully yours does not last two weeks like mine did.

  4. Hi there

    sorry you are going through such a rough patch of lately.

    i don't know about starting the meds again i would phone the doctor and ask him/her.before taking them again after just stopping them.. i'm on effexor XR and i have no problems or side affects

    the best thing is too ring the a mental health hospital and ask them or your general doctor and see what they suggest as im not to sure on this. i don't think its good to stop and start . as i'm sure its withdrawales from the medication. maybe you could try and get into the doctor sooner?

    best of luck

    Candice xx

  5. I am so glad you asked this question.  I've had the exact same feeling you're describing when trying on my own to cut down on anti depressants.I thought I was the only one who ever experienced brain shivers or body zaps.  I now know it is not a good thing to self diagnosis. I would assume when I felt better I no longer needed an antidepressant. It was actually the reverse I was no longer depressed because I was taking antidepressant.

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