
Brain teaser - Read :)?

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Okay this is it, It will make your mind spin.


If someone was blind from birth, not tunnel vision, but blind completely.

What would they dream about?

What would they see in there dreams? There would be no Image, There would be no shadows, no texture no nothing.

Maby a simple shape like a square because they could feel it, but how would they know what a line is.

Think about it.

And also another one

What would the universe be if there was nothing?

No black, white arent acceptable answers, because they aren't nothing. They are somthing.

Have fun :D




  1. Read the Tao Te Ching for clarification.

  2. its all too deep dude =)

  3. Honestly i think disability is not inability. These people have got brains just like you and i do.meaning that,if you can imagine an alien to be(which you have never seen) is how they will also imagine these things you have talked about(ones they have never seen before).

    So i believe that these people are normal and are just like anyone else. meaning we all dream except that images may be different but carrying the same meaning.

    what is something to you? Because white and black are the back ground reflexion of the presence of the sun at day time and absence of the sun(light) at night respectively.

    So even the hollowness you are imagining has to have a reflection before it is sent to our eyes(we are able to see).

    Which means that, nothing could possibly be something or does not exist at all.

    Thanks for asking

  4. the universe would simply not me and their would be nothing and not even nothing because even nothing is a something because it is a think so simply thier will be ..................

  5. Dear Friend,

                           I am answering your question.

    "Those who are blind at birth don't see "colored dreams"

    Source of the link is given below:


    Nothing is the absence of existence. However, since there is an article ABOUT nothing, then obviously there has to be SOMETHING, right? And then there's the name. Nothing has a name. That name is void. Therefore nothing has a name and therefore since there is nothing in nothing nothing has to be a concept. But that means it IS something, but nothing is nothing, it's void, it's empty, there IS NOTHING in it. But there is something there, there is a void. THERE IS A VOID. The void IS THERE. Right THERE in front of you, THERE IS A VOID. IT IS THERE. IT EXISTS!


    In mathematics, Nothing is described as The Empty Set. Every set S has The Empty Set as a subset, although The Empty Set is nothing. Hence, nothing is a subset. It follows, therefore, that since nothing is a subset, there can be no subset, since nothing is a subset. However, if The Empty Set is an element of another set S, S is not nothing, and has at least at least one something, namely, the set of nothing, The Empty Set. The number One is defined as the number of elements in the set U whose sole element is The Empty Set. All numbers are built from this concept, hence are built on a foundation of nothing.


    Nothing is an element that defies description, easily the least reactive, it is virtually impossible to find a contaminated substance. It is recognized by its structure: no electrons orbiting a nucleus of no protons and no neutrons. Its oxidation states are something of a mystery. It has every possible oxidation state imaginable, since there is no element that it can't bond without being obliterated, yet it has none, since there are no valence electrons for it to share.

    The alchemists trick of turning lead into gold may be something of a medieval quackery but the practice of turning Nothing into gold is not only achievable but easy (with the presence of gold)

    Ng + Au = Au

    In fact when Nothing comes into contact with any substance, Nothing is obliterated. Likewise when a substance is totally destroyed, Nothing is left. Harmful levels of the element have been detected on planet earth on multiple occasions. When the Americans dropped the Atom Bomb on Hiroshima, Nothing was left and thus the population became sick. Likewise, in several African nations where Nothing is eaten by the general public, famines usually strike.


    Riddle about Nothing

    It is more powerful than God, but more evil than the Devil.

    It is bigger than the universe, but it has less matter than the smallest particle.

    The poor have it, but the rich need it.

    The dead eat it always, but the living that eats it dies.


    Poem about Nothing

    NOTHING LIKE A POEM IS WRITTEN HERE because there's nothing to write. (no, seriously, there IS a poem about nothing, except for reasons that it may be copyrighted, it is not allowed to appear). You'll just have to find the poem about nothing, in hopes that it has not disappeared into nothingness. Good Luck!!!

  6. blind people are physically but not emotionally and mentally blind...They do as what normal people do......

    The universe must not exist if it has nothing within it..

  7. "maybe a simple shape" .

    no, they wouldnt know what a shape looks like even if they can feel it.

  8. OK, you see being blind just means your brain does not cognitively process information from the visual cortex.

    A blind person is still fully capable of cognitive reasoning to include language.

    Blind people probably dream in sound and tactile realms.

  9. i feel sorry for blind people - what they imagine the world to be is probably completly different

    and they have to tell what people are like by their voice so what if a complete dork had a good voice - they wud fall in love wid dem

    awww poor blind people

  10. Why not ask a blind persons opinion ? As a fully sighted person here, cannot truly give you the correct information.

    Auditory perception etc is stronger in someone with no sight.

    Vision may be missing, they can still speak!

    Have vision.... focus YOUR eyes on seeing the WHOLE person !


  11. there just wouldn't be anything.


  12. have you ever had a dream where you didn't know it was a dream?where you felt and heard and saw everything like it was really happening.

    Now imagine that with the lights turned off.

    thats how I think it would be.

    their environment is based on touch and for instance if you had a dream about going to the park to have a picnic.and suppose you were blind..your dream would be of what you would experience without  sight.

  13. woah dude my head is spinning

    that's deep

  14. great question, i wonder if someone who knows will answer.

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