
Brain teaser? hard hard!!?

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In the land of odd there is pizza but no pasta

in the land of odd there is myspace but no facebook

In the land of odd there are teens but no people

In the land of odd there is basketball but no court




  1. In the land of odd there are kisses but no hugs

    In the land of odd there are pools but no ponds

    In the land of odd there are stools but no chairs

    In the land of odd there are zoos but no animals

    How did I do?

  2. In the land of odd there is chickens but no eggs

    In the land of odd there is cars but no wheels

    In the land of odd there is bees but no honey

    In the land of odd there is fires but no flames

    In the land of odd there is rain but no clouds

    In the land of odd there is light but no darkness

    In the land of odd there is feathers but no birds

    I think you got the theory down by now.

  3. Does it mean that there is majority, but no substance?


  5. i think you meant "in the land of odd there is facebook but no myspace"

    here are some more:

    in the land of odd there are apples but no oranges

    in the land of odd there is food but no water

    in the land of odd there are books but no words

    in the land of odd there are queens but no kings

    in the land of odd there is beef but no cows

    in the land of odd there trolls but no dwarfs

    in the land of odd there are feet but no toes

    in the land of odd there are caterpillars and butterflies but no moths

    in the land of odd there trees but no branches

    in the land of odd people are happy and never sad :)

  6. In the land of odd I don't care what may be or not be,

    So long as we can all live in peace and harmony!!!.

  7. "in the land of odd there is myspace but no facebook"

    Not the other way around?

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