
Brain teasers?

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1.How long did the 100 years war go for?

2. What is a camel brush made out of?

3.What color is a purple finch?

4.What country makes panama hats?




  1. Haha, I liked Amber's answer.  Very funny. ;)

  2. Dang.  I was wrong.  Way wrong.  I'm not even going to bother what I thought the answer was

  3. 1) 87 years

    2) Squirrel

    3) Black

    4) Formerly Equador, now China or Malaysia

  4. 100 years


    purple my other favorite color!!!!

    I am going to guess, Panama?

  5. 1. 116 years from 1337 to 1453.

    2. Squirrel, goat, pony, bear, sheep or a blend.

    3. Adult males are raspberry red on the head, breast, back and rump; their back is streaked. Adult females have light brown upperparts and white underparts with dark brown streaks throughout; they have a white line on the face above the eye.

    4. A Panama hat or just Panama is a traditional brimmed hat of Ecuadorian origin.

  6. 1. ll6 years

    2. Squirrel's tails

    3. Blue-black

    4. Ecuador - at least the best ones are. I bought one there. Since this is Trivia, I thought that I'd throw in the curiosity that the test of a fine Panama hat is whether you can roll it up and pass it through a wedding ring and have it snap back into its original shape. They are works of much labor and much art.
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