
Brake Help Please?

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Does anyone know which brakes are better. Hayes Nine or Hayes Mag? Am buying a new bike and would like to know.




  1. Go for Hayes mag .........

  2. Hey Qazup,

    I have used both Hayes HFX9 and Hayes Mag and I like the Hayes Mag's way better.  To me the Mags have a better lever and master cylinder.  The Mags modulate better and require less effort to engage the brake calipers.  I also like the feel and reach of the Mags stock levers compared to the HFX 9 levers.  I have used both on my downhill bikes and the Mags did not fade and start to drag after a long downhill decent like the HFX9's did after a long run.  This are just my opinions of the two brakes, good luck.


  3. hayes nine slip a little and hayes mags are tight as you need
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