
Brake system, reflection valve (?) on a '96 Stratus?

by  |  earlier

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My mechanic said he wasn't sure what it is, though he knew it would be expensive (dealer only part). Its leaking and needs to be replaced. Its opposite the master cylinder, and attached to the firewall. How do I know whether his estimate is accurate (when I finally get one) being that its a dealer only part? I got front and rear brakes done by these same guys back in February, shouldn't they have caught it then?




  1. if he,s talking about the proportioning valve they are expensive to replace,but no that bad,it might not have been leaking when they did the brakes on it so they probably wouldn't have noticed this right off unless they was looking for it,the don't always look for problems on vehicles they usually replace what the customers says to do or needs done,but the whole brake system should have been inspected,most shops will do that while their repairing one,you didn't say what their estimate was so i have no idea what they priced this to you for,good luck.

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