
Brakes are pushing in really close to floor?

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so i don't know what the problem is it is a 2000 pontiac sunfire and the brakes were fine and now they push in well further than a month ago when i bought it. They still stop the car and all but it's unnerving and i'm wondering what the problem could be?




  1. Could be one of two things.

    1)  could have jammed to brakes really hard to stop and created an air pocket in your brake lines.  Check you fluid reservoir under the hood on the master cylinder.  If it low, fill the the full line using DOT 3 brake fluid.  But be careful not to spill any on your paint otherwise you will be in big trouble.  If that doesn't fix the problem then get a friend and bleed the air out of the brake lines at each wheel.

    2)  COuld just need to get new brake pads.  I know whenever I get a new car I'm always tearing around and stopping fast to show off but if wears out your brakes really fast.  New pads to do it yourself would cost you around $50 for the Front and $40 for the rear.  And make sure you have a large c clamp handy and buy the caliper piston tool for the rear pads.

    If you need further help, buy a haynes manual for your car at your local auto parts store and it will tell you step by step how to do these things.

  2. Possible brake fluid leaking out, or extreme wear on the brake pads. Take it to a mechanicsoonest,

  3. I believe you have at least one leaking wheel cylinder.  That will cause a soft brake pedal, and also cause air to get into the line.  Air in the brake line will also cause a soft pedal.  Check your fluid.  If it is low, my guess is your losing it at a wheel or more.  Since you say your brakes work well other then being soft I believe your master cylinder is okay.  Topping off the brake fluid may firm the pedal back up, but if there is air in the line you will have to bleed your brakes.  Get your wheel cylinders checked asap.  If you do nothing your brakes will fail.

  4. Have you checked the brake fluid level??  Do you have any brake lights coming on?  Do the brake lines need to be bled as they might have air in them? You say they were fine a month ago, but how sure are you about that statement?  Are the pads worn down?  Do you see a lot of black dust on your wheels?  It is unnerving if you are unsure of your brakes, it would be worth a service call to have them checked.  I would first off check the fluid levels, that is a cheap and easy fix.  

  5. your brake fluid can b low but usually the brake light will come on..

    you can have a small pinhole in the line allowing air to get in causing air bubbles in the line or your master cylinder can b getting weak...

  6. Normally that is a sign that your brake fluid is low. Check the brake fluid. If it is low then you probably have a leak somewhere. Your master cylinder should have two reservoirs for fluid. One for the front brakes and one for the rear brakes. This done so that if you bust a line you still have either front or rear brakes so that you can stop. It could also be that your power brake unit is going bad. That is the round disc behind your master cylinder. The master cylinder is bolted right to it or your master cylinder may have gone bad. In any event you should either repair it your self or take it to a mechanic promptly.

  7. Check the fluid?  May have air in the lines.  Bleed the lines, replacing all the fluid.  Check to make sure tha pads are good...  make sure no Vacume lines are off...  If that doesn't help, the master cylinder might be bad...

    hope it helps

  8. i won't venture a guess on your problem but there are many places that do free brake checkups

  9. you're most likely low on brake fluid... I had the same problem, and you're going to want to get that checked soon!

  10. did you check the fluid? if you blew a line the pedal would be on the floor in no time. id suspect a blown wheel cyl. look inside both rear wheel and see if there is fluid on the inside of either tire.

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