
Braking with Rollerblades.?

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Well, I got a pair of rollerblades about 3 weeks ago and I'm pretty good at balancing with them. I'm still working on speed which is going fairly well, but I need a little help with braking.

Okay, well, I have a pair of Buare rollerblades and I do have a brake pad on my right foot. It's a little worn down and hard to stop with. I'm planning on trying to learn how to stop without the brake. It's kind of important that I do.

Today, I was going down a fairly large hill on my rollerblades with my friends and I was going very fast and there was a road with cars ahead of me. I couldn't break with the breaks so I made a quick decision and rolled onto the grass. It was a bad landing and I hurt my knees. Not badly, but it could have been worse if I hadn't grabbed on to a pole before falling which slowed me down a little.

I feel it's important that I learn how without the brakes to avoid any further injuries.

In your opionion, what do you think is the fastest way to stop quickly?




  1. do a tight turn or teacup(have the front wheel on the blade of teh foot  you kick withrub against the ground, carefull th ough this wears out wheels) or you could rub all your wheels of one skate on the ground

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