
Brand New LaCie External Hard Drive?

by  |  earlier

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I just got my LaCie External Hard Drive by mail today. It connects to the PC via USB 2.0 and gets its power from an AC Adapter.

It gets pretty warm and it stays in a fixed spot out in the open. My question is will the warmth of the hard drive ruin the hard drive?

and if so should I unplug it when not in use?




  1. harddrives get warm. it's fine. if you touch a harddrive in your computer after it's been used a lot it can feel pretty hot. there's nothing really to worry about. sure the cooler you keep it the longer it'll run. but the only reason it would die probably within a few years is some other error or s***w up

  2. it should be fine, they will all get worm, but you might be able to find a setting on your computer, or if the Hard Drive came with software the use that, that will let you make it so that the disk in the hard drive will stop spinning when it is not in use, there for really cooling it down, and you should also have it in a area were it is not as hot, like don't put it on your computer instead put it on your desk were the cool air gets to it more.

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