
Brand name vs name brand?

by  |  earlier

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in the same flyer i see brand name and name brand tv sets. i know brand name means something like panasonic or sony i.e. well established brands but whats name brand?




  1. A "brand name" is just the name of a brand and just means "brand", any brand.

    A "name brand" is a well-known brand.

  2. Actually, brand names are trademarks for products. It also associated with quality and Identify.

    Name brand or more well know "brand names" opposed to generic unknown trademarked products..

    All Sun Dish soap       v's       Dawn

    (Generic brand name)           (well known brand name)

    "All Sun" will remain a generic brand name unless it were able to gain popularity and consumer loyalty. Once it accomplishes that it is considered a name brand.

    Name brand is simply all the well known/most popular "Brand Names" placed into a group as a whole. Anything outside this group is generic.

  3. almost the same


    brand name = very famous and popular


    name brand = usual trademark

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