
Brand names of Dried fruit snacks such as prunes that being Sold in BERLin or GErmany?

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got Brands or Names a Prunes that are being Sold to GErmany or to Berlin? please RATe the food :) haha




  1. E.g. look for the brand "Seeberger" available in every larger grocery store / supermarket like "Kaiser's", "Tengelmann" or go to a whole foods store. "Seeberger" has prunes, apricots and other fruits too.

    Good places for dried fruits might also be the weekly farmer's markets hold at various locations in Berlin and most other German cities.

  2. Why on earth would anybody want to buy PRUNES?!  Well, if you really do, you can find them in any of the major supermarkets.  They even have SunMaid brand prunes and raisins like they do in the States.  Like the person before me said, the Seeberger company also makes prunes and other dried fruit.  I can't rate the prunes because I don't eat them.  The raisins are okay, though.

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