
Brand new Lawnmower?

by  |  earlier

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Bran new. sat for two yrs. dug it out todsay. Changed fuel, and cleaned carb. It fired up but then blue smoke comes out and warm oil leaks fromt he air filter. What is wrong. Does the oil need to be changed?




  1. is it oil injected? don't understand the question,oil coming out of the breather, may want to take it to a dealer that handels warranty for that brand

  2. Sounds like the crankcase breather is stopped up. Usually these are found by locating a square or maybe a rectangular shaped bump (for a lack of a better description) on the motor held by a couple screws. Take it off and put it in a shallow container of gasoline and swish it about real good as there is usually a filter type material inside and can be cleaned and replaced which should eliminate the oil from coming back out the air cleaner.

    If the oil is dark colored, go ahead and purchase a quart of quality brand 30 weight oil and replace the old with new.

  3. Changing the oil would be a good idea. If the mower was turned on it's side it will cause this. It will also smoke if the oil level is above the full mark on its dipstick. Check the oil and let it run for awhile, may clear up. The float in the carb could also be stuck or the needle valve may not be correct.


  4. take it to the dealer   i agree with d2   ( breather ?)

  5. Sounds like the mower got tipped on it's side durning storage.  Remove the air filter, if it has oil on it replace it.  Clean the oil from the air box.  Check the level of oil in the crankcase.  It may smoke a bit but it will clear up.
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