
Bratty girls at my school?

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Hey, um I am 13 and like two years ago, I like dated this girl named Chelsey, and um it was just like one of those stupid fifth grade crushes thing where we would get on IM and just talk lovey dovey and stuff, but anyways ya. I stopped liking her like that and she stopped liking me like that..and so ya now we're supposedly just friends. Um, well she has become one of those bratty mean girls who wears hollister and makes fun of people who don't wear name brands and stuff. And there's like been a dramatic change in her face..such as make up and stuff like that. I swear she probably loses like 10 pounds when she takes it off at night. So anyways, ya she's being like really mean to me now like calling me a nerd, and like telling me I have a girl's voice..(just because it is changing), and like teasing me because I only have 5 Hollister shirts, and I don't know why she teases me all the time about that.. and she leaves bitchy messages on my phone and calls me on restricted and like says stupid stuff.. and I just don't really know what to do, so ya.

Any suggestions?

Thanks much,





  1. Tell her she looks like a pornstar & to kiss your @ss.

  2. I  only have 5 shirts period!

  3. she is a brat and she acts this way because it makes her fell superior to others.  She may be irritated with you because she thinks you should still like her.  chances are she thinks every guy should be hot for her.  Delete her messages with out listening, that way it won't bug you so much.

  4. okayy sad thing is im kind of like that. so if you want to hear her point of vieww just listen and please dont hate me..i sympathize for im one of those popular girls. All I wear is hollisterr, all the guys are like in love with me half the girls think im a bitchh...whateverr, i dont make fun of people or anything i think thats just plain mean. people actually come to me for advice, people i dont even knoww!!! theyre not afraid to talk to me because im popular or anything. but what i think is that she has low self esteem. yep. may not seem like it but think about it........okay you might have been the one to break up with her or something maybe she still had feelings for you and she felt insecure so she started wearing "name brand" clothes and tons of makeup so she could be sure guys wouldnt put her off again and everyone would like her. im 13 tooo and ive gone through many boyfriends and they can either make me feel worthlesss or like a princess. if they break up with mne the next day i pretend like nothing happened because i dont want people to think i cared. so if you want to stop this ***** just be likee "sorry im not good enough for you but i dont really careee soo whatever" she jsut wants attention from her friends and if you blow her off and pretend like you dont care she'll be the one depressed because she just wants to get to you. if she pranks you, just ignore her, dont listen to her messages, and delete them.sure you might have to press 7 but thats notr really that much effort is it??? well good lucck adn remember this advice is from an expert on that kind of stuff.


    hannah <3

  5. Chelsey sounds like a girl who is trying to make herself feel better by making others feel bad. She is not worth your blinking an eye at her. She is not the same girl you used to like as she has turned into a follower. You are a leader type personality that knows what is important in life and it's not how many Hollister shirts you have in your closet. You are a much better person that her. Tell her to knock off the harassment. If she doesn't, tell your parents or an official at school. No one should have to put up with that stuff. Just don't take the low road and be mean back to her or give her the satisfaction of knowing she is getting to you. Good luck.

  6. Wow that sucks but I Had sorta the same problem, My BFF (from preschool) Became like that In 6th grade, And she became popular and since I'm not popular she started being me to me, so I just ignored her and Acted as if she never existed and then eventually she just left me alone, so you souled try the same thing and see if it works.

  7. i have girls like that at my school...jsut give her a few months, before long nobody will like her

  8. Well all i can say is ignore her. it takes a big man to stand down the to step up. remeber that itll get you through life.

  9. wow, I bet that's annoying! It sounds like she still has some feelings towards you... they may be negative or positive, because if she didn't she wouldn't waste so much time bugging you.

    when she talks about how many hollister shirts you have and things like that just be like... "there are people in the world who don't even have running water or electricity so what brand my clothes are is the least of my concerns." If that doesn't work just reply with " if I'm such a nerd then why do you waste so much energy bugging me? don't you have anything better to do with your time?"

    Hope that helps a little. Just remember she's probably a good person who is going through a bad phase of wanting to fit in. Stay confident and kind and she'll eventually back off.  

  10. just don't be friends with her anymore, she could also be trying to get attention... just think about it, you control your own life so it's up to you what you're going to do

  11. Spread a nasty rumour bout her when u's were dating or whatever u call it. That will bring her down to earth. Or you could just tell her stop being a ***** and no one likes u.Honestly u should tell her shes acting like a brat and u dont want to be friends with her no more

  12. theirs always going to be those type of people every where even at work can you believe it that look at you from head to toe to see if you weird that close already but i just ignore them and look at them stupid just don't let them see that it bothers you and keep your head up high cause at the end it pisses them off LOL Good luck  

  13. i would just ignore her don't talk to her,  block her off your phone, IM , and everything else she can contact you on.  don't talk to her at school , and DON'T even look at her,  just completely kick her out of your life. shes not worth your time

    - Taylor

  14. don't worry about her. In life what goes comes around. she will get her. sorry to sound mean.

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