
Bravo or Chanderpaul for Man of the Match?

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Is real arguement bout this!!! I say its who do the most work (Bravo) that what the tittle is about!

Kudos to Chanders to for saving we a$$ at the last minute




  1. i think that bravo relay deserved to get man of the match because he picked up the most important wickets but on the other hand Chanderpaul saved it at the end when when Bravo already set the pace that's what i think.

  2. well i aint see that match, but Bravo have my vote, bess cricketer dey!.

    of course he come out from Tranquill, we used to "duck" class to watch dem play in the court, haha...

  3. Have no idea what this question is about, but it doesn't sound like a travel question.  There is a sports board, you know, if this is about sports.  Please don't "jam up" the travel board with non-travel questions.

  4. I would definitely say Chanderpaul should have been the Man of The Match, his contribution throughout in the batting department has been very solid, and in this game, despite all odds and batting partners who show no maturity and falling like rain, he stood up in the most dificult of circumstances and pulled out an incredible victory. Chanderpaul is not only the man of the match but the man of the series.

  5. Good for Bravo man it eh easy to pelt ball and den go bat. Yeah Chanders pull out he buck and get de runs but daz wha he have to do

  6. Bravo witout ah dout, Chanderpaul shudda do dat long befoe mi hart start skip beat, suspense cudda kill mi, Bravo ah de man ah de match, Big up de Windies enyway.

  7. ok, me ent watch d match eh, i was in ah class, but give Bravo d MOTM award oui.  

    to momsezno, is y!A who choose to set we up in Travel so we does ask about EVERYTHING about T&T or in which Trinbagonians participate here

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