
Braxton Hicks Contractions?

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Ok so I never really had B.H contractions, and now I know that I am because they aren't in any pattern, and they only last for about 5-10 seconds, did you get b.h worse before you started actual real contractions?

im 39w5d




  1. I didn't even know what a Braxton Hicks left like, but once I got one I understood.  It just felt tight for a little bit.  I'm not quite for sure if my Braxton Hicks got worse, but I know that the contractions became closer together and for longer periods of time.  Then the contractions started hurting, that's when I knew it wouldn't be long!  Good luck!!  

  2. okay i had b.h. contractions for almost a month before i winded up having my son and they were about a min long and coming every 2-3 min so the only real way to tell if your having real ones or not is go get checked and see if your dilated any because thats what real contractions do~dilate you~ braxton hicks contractions just prepare the uterus for delivery if you are that far along and actually having contractions i would def go to the er or the docs office just to be on the safe side!! congrats and good luck!

    p.s. dehydration and s*x cause contractions also..a little fact i did not know when i was preggers!!

  3. Please call the doctor, why waste your time if you want asked yahoo? you always can call the doctors.

  4. yeah when u have a braxton hick contraction it will hurt if ur in labor...i would call ur doctor u should of already been checked to as far along as u are good luck everything!

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