
Braxton hicks at 22 weeks?

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Hey to all the ladies who have had two or more children, did you feel braxton hicks stronger and earlier with your second babies? I am 22 weeks with my second and i get quite strong braxton hicks contractions nearly all day. Initially i was worried because they didnt start until much later with my first but i read that they do start earlier with your second. Has anyone else had this? How strong were the contractions? I am just really worried in case i go into labour prematurely!




  1. I had the BH contractions almost as soon as I could feel my baby move with my second child and she was right on time. As far as i know, it is perfectly normal, thought my OB said the main cause for BH is dehydration, so I started drinking a ton of water and they did get better til the end of my pregnancy.

  2. Hi, ive only had one baby but i felt braxton hicks contractions at 23 weeks, they were quite frequent and i had them most days however the closer to the birth i got the stronger they became. i went into labour one day after my due date to a healthy little girl at 10lbs 3oz so im sure youve nothing to worry about.

    if, however your braxton hicks become painful instead of just uncomfortable i wouldcontact your midwife just to be safe as it could be a sign of labour.

    Congrats on your baby

  3. yes.  with my first they started around 23 week but with my second they started around 16 weeks and were pretty uncomfortable I thought it was kind of strange but pretty normal since I had them pretty early with my first.  with this one I had them starting at 12 weeks.  I told my doctor that I was concerned and she said it was nothing to worry about because with each pregnancy you fell EVERYTHING early not just movement.  Now I'm 26 weeks and they are not only frequent but they are alos painful.  doctor said it's fine.  so I'm not going to worry about it.

  4. i also started getting them at 22 weeks now im 26 weeks and i still get them my doctor gave me steroid shots to mature the baby lungs just in case i do go into labour they canot give it to you till 24 weeks some days are worse then others but dont over due it try to relax as much as possible dont worry it will all be over soon

    take care !!

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