
Braxton hicks vs. real contractions. ?

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Do BH feel like dull versions of the real thing? I'm 25 weeks and I think i've started getting them. I never had them at all with my first child so I still don't know the difference.




  1. contractions vary for everybody. in one of my books it literally says "the difference between braxton hicks contractions and real labor contractions are that real labor contractions will lead to your baby being born"  many women don't experience real labor contractions as being horrifically painful, it's all about your state of mind and how you handle the contractions.  

    i'm 36 weeks pregnant and i started having bh contractions about 10 weeks ago. at first they were very sporadic, only happening once or twice a day. now i am having them multiple times a day but they still aren't painful or anything. they can be uncomfortable, depending on what position i am in or what i'm doing.  

  2. Braxton hicks can be just as painful, but for most women they are painless or at the least, less painful then real contractions. The difference is in the irregularities of the braxton hicks (if you time them you'll see they don't come with a regular pattern, such as "real" contractions). Braxton hicks may last longer (up to 10 minutes) as opposed to real contractions.

    When you get braxton hicks make sure you drank enough water. Try to sit down and relax, or take a bath. If the contractions go away, they were braxton hicks.

    Good luck;)

  3. Braxton Hicks can be dull or they can be painful.  They can actually feel like the real thing.  The biggest difference is that BH aren't regular.  If you change positions or get up and move around it will change their rhythm, usually slow them down.  They're usually not that long.  Now with real labor.  They will be regular no matter how much you move around.  Matter of fact when you are in labor and you walk, they will usually get harder and closer together until it's time to go deliver the baby.  Just keep in mind when they get 5-7 minutes apart, last around a minute long and won't slow down when you move around, you're in labor and it's time to go to the doctor.  Since this is your second, I would go with the 7 minutes apart because labor will probably go faster.  Good luck and congratulations!

  4. BH will be irregular and get better

    ACTIVE LABOR CONTRACTIONS will get closer together and get worse as time goes on

    I think I have only had one BH contraction and it was like a cramp like I was on my period, and my stomach was as hard as a rock and it felt like it weighed 100 lbs.  I literally had to hold it up cause it felt like it was going to fall off.  

    My doula told me that if your tummy feels like your chin, you are fine, if it feels like your nose, its BH, and if it feels like your forehead its real labor.

    Hope that helps

  5. Braxton hicks feel very different.  They are higher up in the stomach. Its hard to explain, but they are not a lesser version of real contractions, they are just different.  

  6. One big difference is that BH contractions are not painful and the real ones are. BH contractions are also very irregular.

  7. BH just feel like your whole belly gets really hard and tight like the baby is curled up in a big ball.  Some may feel a little crampy but nowhere near what real contractions feel like.  You will know the difference.

  8. For me they did not feel the same at all. When you will get the real thing you will know, the pain is just awful.

  9. I never felt my Braxton Hicks while pregnant so im not sure... i was induced so it started pretty intense straight away! But alot of people say its like a softer contraction that dont cause any pain really.

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