
Brayden James? Or Brayden Michael?

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Brayden James? Or Brayden Michael?




  1. Here we go again...following the trend.

    Not another Brayden. Please pick something more suitable. At the very least, call the child by his middle name...both Michael and Christoper are fine but Brayden is nauseating.

    I feel sorry for the child.


  2. Neither.

  3. Brayden James. "Braedyn" is another unique way to spell it also.

  4. Brayden James, definitely. You wouldn't want his initials to be "BM" would you? Good luck! :o)

  5. oo i love the name Brayden (esp. spelled that way) my cousin is Braden. Michael most def

  6. Brayden Michael

  7. Brayden James sounds great.

  8. Brayden James.  

  9. brayden james...definatly

  10. Brayden James

  11. Dude, I've been singing the Aidan hate for ever! This is my answer to a different question, but it applies here, too:

    As for the -ayden names, I did the math. We had:

    Aiden, Aidan, Ayden, Aden, Adan, Aydan, Aydin, Aedan, and Aidyn for 29,175 boys.

    Jayden, Jaden, Jaiden, Jaydon, Jadon, Jaeden, Jadyn, Jaydin, Jaidyn, and Jaydan for 26,148 boys. We also had Jayden, Jaiden, Jaidyn, Jaden, and Jaedyn given to 5,443 girls.

    Caden, Kaden, Cayden, Kayden, Kaiden, Caiden, Kadin, Kaeden, and Kadyn were given to 17,755 boys. Kayden was given to 621 girls.

    Brayden, Braden, Braeden, Braydon, Braiden, Bradyn, and Braedon was bestowed on 12,748 boys.

    Hayden, Haiden, and Haden was given to 6,657 boys. Hayden was given to 1,714 girls.

    Thankfully, Zayden was only given to 426 boys, and Raiden was only given to 210 boys. Still, do the math. That's


    kids named something rhyming with Aidan whose spelling is in the top thousand. I weep for humanity.

    To top it off, here's some related gems in the top thousand:

    Jaylen, Jalen, Jaylin, Jaylon, and Jaylan -4,618 boys.

    Jada, Jayda, Jaylyn, Jaelyn, Jayla, Jailyn, Jaylah, Jaylee, Jaylen, Jaelee, Jaylynn, Jaida, and Jalynn were in for girls, totalling 14,761.

    Aylin debuted, with 500 girls.

    Brayan, Braylon, Brycen, and Braylen were also hits for boys, with 2,619 boys. Braylynn, Braelyn, and Brailynn had 1548 girls.

    Let's see, that's 21,427 more kids named something similar to Aiden. That doesn't even include Peyton, Grayson, Jaylee, etc. There were a horrific 122,414 kids named something related to Aidan. Bad bad bad!

    I have a burning hatred of these names, and keeping a detailed numerical record of them seems to help people understand how overused they are. Not that it helped, though, because in 2006, there were only 65,00 odd Aiden type names. That's almost DOUBLED in a year.

    ETA: I've seen Trayden, and I think one of those multiple sets from the Midwest has a Dreyden, too.


    Regardless, I like Brayden James better.

  12. Brayden sounds better together.

    I'm naming my son Jaden Derrell.

  13. Brayden James

  14. Brayden James


  15. I love both names but Brayden James sounds best together.

  16. I'd go with Brayden James unless there's a significance to the middle name Michael (ie after fathers/grandfathers/someone significant)  

  17. Brayden James. I know some people think the "den" names are averused but I love them. I plan on naming my son Jaden.

  18. I prefer James Brayden or Michael Brayden.

  19. Braydon James :)

    i like Brayson better  :)

  20. I love Brayden James, how about Brayden Matthew?

  21. Brayden James flows better in my opinion.

  22. How bout Michael Brayden? Sounds like a movie-star to me lol.

  23. Brayden James is very nice. Michael is nice too, but you don't want his initials to be B.M. also, please don't call him B.J.

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