
Brayln Midge breaks Casino record

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Brayln Midge breaks Casino record
There’s a new pup making headlines in Australian greyhound racing, and he has already made a name for himself.
Brayln Midge, brother of “boom” puppy Brayln County, broke a track speed record last Friday at the Casino race track in New South Wales. Owned by Brad and Lynne Northfield, the pup was moved back to 411m. The week before, he had participated in a difficult maiden week of 520m races at the Gardens. 
Brayln Midge had a great start coming out of Box Seven. Within a few seconds, he managed to catch up to the rest of the pack, showing great bursts of strength all the way. In the home stretch, he increased his speed to win the race in only 22.68 seconds, breaking the previous record of 22.74. He maintained a terrific pace, and was 8¼ lengths ahead of the rest of the pack. The old record had been established by champion racer Surin’ Sal, who had also won the Free for All with an equally great time of 22.82.
The next stop for Brayln Midge is the Blue Paws Final, which is to be held later this week. There, he will be up against some strong competition from many veteran competitors.
Brayln Midge was not the only pup with a strong finish. Bit Bonkers finished in second place with a time of 23.00. Coming out of Box Five, she was 5½ lengths behind the leader. Newcomer Esposito finished the race in 23.34, while Charlie Northfield’s Kingsbrae Dust finished behind Esposito with a time of 23.48.
The best bet on the race was Sheila Smith’s Trincomalee, the winner of the day’s staying race. She gained lots of favouritism and support from the punters along the way, and finished the race in 35.83. Trincomalee was in the lead for the entire race, and turned in another strong performance.
Halie Rose High made Trevor Thompson a happy man yet again. She finished the Meat E Vite Extra pro stake with a decent time of 27.54. Thompson has been a constant winner at Casino, racking up a small fortune in prize money every time. The only dog with a better finishing time was Loraian’s Horizon. He finished the race with a time of 27.37, with 7½ lengths over the rest of the pack. This ensured him of yet another well-deserved win.
Beryl and Brian Stephens were very happy with the result that their dog, Miami Gold gave them. With a wide box, she checked in with a finish of 27.59. Little Big Horn, whose time of 27.63 won his maiden, pleased Mayor John Corrigan of Grafton greatly.
Another “hot dog” at the race track last week was Bella’s Lady. She pulled of a great victory for Mavis Wilkinson in the opening maiden by running up a great time of 23.71. Black Hassler took the other maiden with an even better finish of 23.35.
The greyhound racing will resume on Friday with many exciting races on the schedule, and many more big winners expected. The major draw will be a 12-event card.



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