
Brazil in june? where to go?

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If i went to brazil in june? what part of brazil should i go to?. i would be 18 and looking for beaches and fun.




  1. June is winter in Brazil, and anything south of Rio de Janeiro is not going to be much fun in the sun since it gets kind of cold (Not real cold, but not beach weather). But you sill have plenty of choices in the northeast. Most popular locations are Salvador, Porto Seguro, Natal, Recife, but there are many others. I'd look for anything above Salvador and I garantee anywhere will be fun. Salvador has rich cultural background and everywhere you will find very friendly and party people. Porto Seguro is a particular popular beach and party spot for kids (looked like everyone in my high school went there to celebrate their graduation). Watch yourself in those parties. Brazil does not have an enforced dinking age, so you certainly can have fun, but don't abuse ;). Also look for "festas juninas" great country style block parties in the end of June. A lot of fun. Enjoy

  2. coming to my home, i live in Sao paulo , and I knows a lot of places here and you could teach me to talk in english because my english is not very well. But if you want to know one beautiful place here , you need to go in BAHIA, there is on west in my country , there  always have sun , and the beaches is very very beautiful , look for this site below.. ok!!! Good look in your travel

    kind regards

  3. Brazil is a wonderful country.. i highly recommend visiting Salvador, Bahia.. its the heart of Brazil ...  and Beautiful

    Boa Sorte

  4. Actually, I beg to differ with the other respondant. I've been to the beach in Rio in June. The days are mostly sunny in the winter, in fact there's less rain than in the summer, tho the evenings can be on the cool side.

    I agree, however, that the Northeast would be a good choice. Porto Seguro is indeed a party town. For a more urban setting, Salvador, Foraleza and Maceió would be interesting. For surfing and nature, Itacaré. For a mix of urban and non, Natal and nearby Pipa.

    The best "June Festivals" are not in beach towns but in Caruaru, Pernambuco, and Campina Grande, Paraíba. If you want to party, make sure to hit one of them.

  5. In June head north to Bahia. Start in Salvador then head up the coast towards Praia da forte or south to Morro de Sao Paulo for beaches and fun!

  6. Where are you going to arrive? staying in any place at first? I mean if you are visiting friends in Sao paulo for example, you could pay a visit to campos do Jordao, a really nice place in winter. try this link:

    If you are willing to go to warmer places,  the northeast coast of Brazil is the way to go. There are many beautiful cities up there.

    try this link to check on the main ones:

  7. I don’t have doubt. In this month, the best option is Northeast of Brazil. At this time, there are many typical parties especially “ São João and São Pedro” . In my opinion the best state for you visit is Pernambuco. It has a big variety of dance, foods, drinks and pyrotechnic shows. In Caruaru, 130 Km far from Recife, and Gravatá 80 Km far from Recife there is an excellent São João and many others attraction such handcrafts. In Pernambuco you also visit many beaches especially Porto de Galinhas which was elected the best beach of Brazil.

    See the site attached and found further information:

  8. You are going to want to goto one of the nothern states like maceo pernabocu fortaleza ect. i would look into it for priceing but it will be 80 plus, it might get a little rainy but it always passes in like 20 minutes so no big deal. my first pick would be Recife there are tons of nice beaches close by and lots of parying always.

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