
Brazil is the o richer country of Latin America?

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it is truth that exists many rich ones in Brazil and the country is most different (economically) of the planet?




  1. According to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, Brazil has the ninth largest economy in the world at Purchasing Power Parity and eleventh largest at market exchange rates. Brazil has a diversified middle income economy with wide variations in development levels. Most large industry is agglomerated in the South and South-East. The North-East is the poorest region of Brazil, but it is beginning to attract new investment. Brazil's diverse industries range from automobiles, steel and petrochemicals to computers, aircraft, and consumer goods and amount to one-third of the GDP. With the increased economic stability provided by the Plano Real, Brazilian and multinational businesses have invested heavily in new equipment and technology, a large proportion of which has been purchased from North American enterprises.

    For more details, please check the following link:

  2. Brasil is the No. 1 in Latin America with the poorest income distribution. That's a fact!!

  3. To the girl over there, Brasil its Latin America, cause its in the region of the Americas where Romance languages those derived from Latin, (Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian) are spoken. So Brazilians are Latinos too.

  4. ay, i do not believe that brazil is part of latin america per se, since there they are more porteguese american, but they are in the zone of latin america. as for the country being very different, i have heard that also.

  5. Luluzinha, olhando em termos de PIB o Brasil é o país mais rico da América Latina. Mas faz mais sentido falar em termos de PIB per capita, (para saber como vive o cidadão médio), neste caso o país mais rico da América Latina é a Argentina, seguida pelo Chile depois Costa Rica, México, Uruguai e finalmente Brasil.

    Se você queria perguntar se o Brasil é o país mais desigual do planeta deveria perguntar: "and that the country is the most unequal of the planet?". O Brasil é um dos países mais desiguais do mundo, mas não o mais desigual. Levando-se em conta a riqueza controlada pelos 20% mais pobres da populaçao, os seguintes países são mais desiguais que o Brasil, de acordo com o relatório da ONU sobre o desenvolvimento humano de 2005: Paraguai, Namíbia, Botsuana, Lesoto, África Central e Serra Leoa. Note que muitos países não divulgaram dados sobre o assunto.

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