
Brazilian Girls?

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I heard a lot about brazilian Girls.Can u tell me more details why they are so famous like this




  1. yes

  2. famous like what?

  3. Very yummy and very horny and petite and brown...yum yum. Watch out though Brazil has the highest rate of aids in the western hemisphere

  4. The Brazilian wax...maybe?

  5. Sure, what do you want to know???

  6. the girl from ipanema, perhaps????

  7. i dont know..  Italian chicks are hot too..


    Brazil does not have the highest rate of aids in the western..

    they're not even in the top ..  Russia.. China and US come before them

  8. oh my god you dont know what you are missing. the girls love american men and literally wear floss as a bikini i was in heaven and their b*****s are all natural and are very nice

  9. Their freaks anyone who hasn't experienced a Brazilian chick atleast once in their life don't know what their missing let me tell you! my favorite Brazilian type of girl are the ones that look more hispanic like very light tanned and packing a popozuda could care less for the real white skinned and the black looking ones.

  10. um they hot

    hot bootys  cute skin

    only thailand girlies best them:)

  11. many of them are so incredible!

  12. Probably the ones you're talking about, besides the typical Brazilian spirit, have good looks.

  13. At first, it's hard to say something about Brazilians because in Brazil there are so many 'kinds' of people, there are whites, blacks, mixed people, Japanese, Chinese, Lebanese, Arabs...

    so there isn't a real look that match with mostly Brazilians

    The thing that i think that makes the difference is the great number of extrovert girls, but I'm not sure

    and just one more thing, if you are another who thinks that every Brazilian girl is *****, don't think, it's not true ;D
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