
Brazilian Music motivational?

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I read in an article interview of Janet Jackson she used Brazilian music to wrok out to and says it is motivational....

She lost a lot of weight through proper diet, and working out... The music was a tool to motivate... What is Brazilan music and where do I get it?




  1. don't worry about me, I'm gonna be quitting cold turkey in about 3 wks when my bf moves in cuz he thinks computers are the anti-Christ.

  2. She's probably talking about Bossa Nova, it's very relaxing.

    It could be motivating for some people.

  3. You also have to keep in mind that Ms. Jackson is a millionaire and along with this "brazillian music" were a team of 7 personal trainers that cost $12,000 a day.

  4. There's some kinds of music for this:

    - axé music from Bahia is very motivational (Banda Eva, Ivete Salgalo are great...)

    - the rock new wave of 80's is very nice too (Radio Taxi, Ritchie, Baby Consuelo, Ultraje a Rigor, Metrô, etc

    - and samba, maybe samba for carnaval.

  5. Mostly Salsa, Marimba, Mamba Type Dance Music.

    The Internet Is A Great Place To Get It, Start There.

    Or Brazil

    Or Your Local Record Store.


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