
Brazilian Pprtuguese, sometimes brazilian people write rsrsrsrsr .What does that mean?

by Guest63600  |  earlier

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  1. Giggles. It is short for "risos". Laughter would be expressed more like "hahahaha" or uahuahuahuehusehua".

  2. Its an abbreviation of the word "Risos" which means laughter. When brazilians write rsrsrsrs is the same as "hehehehe" in english, or "lol"

  3. that means LOL ( can you select my question the best? i need points )  and my answer is better anyway

  4. It means : Hahahahahahaha.

  5. Cool! I just asked my friend in Brazil what rsss meant, and she said "smile" I thought it was a command for a "smiley face" that didn't go through. NOW it makes sense. Thanks for asking this question!

  6. Aprendi essa tambem.

  7. rssss=risos, that mean laughs, laugh.

  8. They are laughing... :))

  9. When we laugh we write rsrsrsrs. Like when you say lol. An American said lol for me and I asked "what is it?" well Now I know rsrsrsrs.

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