
Brazilian exchange student coming!?

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Soon, a Brazilian exchange student (15-yr-old boy) will be staying at my home for 4 weeks. What are typical foods eaten in Brazil for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Oh, and snacks and beverages?




  1. I am Brazilian and what David said is right.

    + to you!

  2. I really don't think he is coming over to eat what he eats over there every day. I'm pretty sure since he is visiting our country as an exchange student he will try to experience our food.

  3. Brazil is very large and has many different varieties of food - maybe even more than in the U.S.  If you want to make your guest feel welcome, ask him about the kind of food he would like to eat.  He may even want to eat typical American food sometimes.

  4. i'm sure he'll like our.. american breakfast .. but..  typically..  brazilians just drink coffee and some fruit.  

    just ask him we he gets there

  5. It would make this exchange experience more interesting if he could really have a taste of the American way of life. I suggest you prepare your meals just the same, but have some options in case he doesn't like what's on the table.

    Have in mind that in Brazil we don't just have a snack for lunch, for that is the most important meal of the day, so your guest might feel a little hungry the first few days (I know I did). It would be nice to pack him something extra.

    Other than that, kids here always have some chocolate powder in their milk, like most American kids they don't like vegetables and they love burgers and sandwiches.

    Oh, and he might turn down peanut butter/jam sandwiches.

    And also, what Americans call coffee tastes like mud water. We drink something much stronger.

  6. What David answered is completly right. I must add as well that in Brazil it is customary to drink either soda or fruit juice. Also depending on the area he comes from, its probable he eats very good red meat, not the barbacue type, just grilled. But I also have to mention that if its an exchange for 4 weeks he has to get to know the American way of life + hes 15 years old so all the junk food is probably a goer unless he's really picky. I'm guessing a he'll love pancakes, waffles, cakes, muffins, hamburgers and the like. And he will probably not like a lot of the industrial sauces used for spaguetti, pot roasts or food such as celery, blue cheese, artichoke or other special vegetables since in Brazil its not very easy to find.

  7. For breakfast most brazilians have coffee, some kind of fruit or maybe juice, and crisp bread rolls called paezinhos with cheese/ham or even just plain. One thing they absolutely cant bear is sliced white bread. Lunch is rice, meat/fish/chicken, beans of some kind and salad. Dinner more or less the same. Everybody seems to wash down their food with soda instead of water at both lunch and dinner. Also most love frys with lunch or dinner.

  8. i think brazilian eats nacho because i have seen a lot in movies.

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