
Brazilian girlfriend to visit Canada; how can she get visa?

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I'm a Canadian citizen having a full time job, and my Brazilian girlfriend (living in Brazil) plans to visit me here in Toronto, Canada in around December 2008 or January 2009. She will only plan to be here for about 2 to 3 weeks just to be with me, and has sincere intention of coming back to Brazil at the intended return date.

She's not working and is studying law at a university, and now her dad's working as a taxi driver, and based on these, I was wondering what steps she would need to get a Canada visitor visa? I am prepared to give assurance to the Canadian government that she won't stay here illegally, but I'm not too sure what else she and I should do. I would really appreciate your help. Thanks a lot.




  1. She can apply for a visitor visa if she:

    -has a valid travel document, such as a passport

    -is in good health

    -satisfies an immigration officer that she has ties, such as a job, home and family, that will take her back to your country of origin

    -satisfies an immigration officer that she will leave Canada at the end of her visit and

    -has enough money for her stay. The amount of money she will need can vary with the circumstances of the visit, how long she will stay and whether she will stay in a hotel or with friends or relatives. For more information, ask the Canadian visa office in her country or region.

    She may also need:

    a Temporary Resident Visa, depending on her citizenship

    a medical examination and

    a letter of invitation from someone who lives in Canada.

    Here are requirements for her to visit Canada (from the site the Canadian Embassy in Brazil):

    there she'll find how to apply and submit her application, how much it will cost and where to pay

    Good luck to her!

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