
Break of 56 in snooker cant get any higher. im on regular 30- 35 what can you advise me on.?

by  |  earlier

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my s***w back, top spin, and side is very good?




  1. Go through the same routine on every shot, dont get excited and rush the shots as your break gets higher. Remember to stay down and cue straight. Dont rush around the table, plan your next 3 or even 4 shots, but at the same time dont be looking at your next shot halfway through your cue action. I cant't tall from what you've wrote but it sounds like your a sound player capable of high breaks, in which case its psycological, you need to remain calm through the entire break, be slow but at the same time dont break your rythem.

    Above all else you need to practice, practice and practive. Watch snooker players on TV or the better players at your club and study thier cue action and prehaps even ask them for advice on your own.

  2. The best way to improve is play as often as you can, also coaching would help as you already have reasonable ability, a good coach could maybe point out any flaws in your technique, which would improve your consistency, but, to score 56, you must pot at least 14 in a row and if you can do that you can do 20,25,30 and for a complete clearance 36, good luck.

  3. Practice by yourself more.

  4. You have to learn positional play for break building, potting ability alone is not enough.Play with better players (100+) even if it means you having to pick up the balls for him.Ask for some tips, I did and it has improved my game.Practise by yourself too, you can't beat lots and lots of practice.By the way your max is 3 better than mine..Darn!!

    I went from 29 to 35 to 43 to 53 in the space of two weeks, unfortunately that was years back and I cant get any further.

  5. practise makes perfect good luck

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