
Breakdancin how much strength?

by  |  earlier

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how much strength do u need to breakdance?

(as in how strong? i.e. b able to lift ur own weight)

And, any exercises u recommend to get the strength required? Thanks.




  1. as said before, pull-ups are awesome. I break dance sometimes in my  hip hop class. you could also do a pul-up, and instead of going back down, raising your hips to the bar and going back to the pull-up position. I used to do those when i did gymnastics and it gives you lots of strength. Good Luck!

  2. since you need to be able to lift your own weight i suggest doing pull ups. When you do a pull up you lift your own weight. If you can't do one, you need to practice, practice, practice. Good Luck and be safe

  3. in breakdancing u need alooot of strength on power moves....

    u need to have a good respiratory system, and be patient (on getting ur moves)

    some exercises dat helped me are :

    alot of push ups for upper body strenght...

    and running 2 help ur cardio n ur breathing ...

    and curl ups which is gonna help ur abdominal strength...

    good luck!!! n trust me these exercises work

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