
Breakdancing question.?

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Alright i'm pretty new at breaking like only a week in and i really need to build muscle for it i cant hold any freezes. how long did it take you breakers out there to hold freezees? what workout should i do? diets? tell me everything please! thank you soo much!!





  1. You shouldn't need strength for most freezes, just balance. Wrist strength for powermoves.

    Just practice and strengthen your abs with ab exercises, and you're done


    It took me 10 minutes tot learn baby freeze

    A day to learn turtle freeze

    The next day after turtle freeze hang glide freeze

    30 minutes side chair

    1 month turtle float

    1 day chair freeze

  2. You should join if u havent already, lots of helpful advice ;D

    The number one thing you need is motivation. It can get pretty frustrating when you come across road blocks. You don't need diets, or classes, just motivation. It took me a couple weeks to get down foundation and the basic freezes, and a month for windmills. But everyone goes at it it at their own pace. **Tip -when you do come across some moves that frustrate you just work on something else.

    Anyways heres a little workout guide:

    **Always stretch

    i know it might seem as a waste of time, but its better to spend 15 minutes strechting, and not hurting your self than NOT stretching and pulling your groin muscle which could mean weeks of me. STRETCH!

    Crunches - Lay down on the ground, so your knees are bent slightly w/ your feet flat on the floor. W/ your hands curled behind your head, slowly lift your shoulders off the ground, squeezing your ab muscles q/ each raise. DO NOT PULL YOUR NECK UP, but make it a natural movement. Lift only your shoulderblades off the gound and hold for 2 seconds before going slowly to the ground. Don't let your shoulders rest. Do 3 sets of 35 w/ only a few seconds in between sets.

    Knee Ups - Sit on the edge of a bench, grabbing both sides w/ your hands. With your legs extended out, slowly pull your knees to your chest, sqeezing ab muscles once again. Hold for 2 seconds and release. DO NOT BOUNCE. 3 sets of 25.

    Knee Raises - Hold an overhead chin-up bar w/ your arms spread just wider than your shoulders. Feet shouldn't be on the ground. Slowly bring your knees towards your stomach so your knees are locked at a 90 degree angle. 3 sets of 10-20.

    Twist-Crunches - Raise your shoulders off the ground as in normal crunches and slowly twist your upper body from side to side. Right elbow should turn to your left knee and back. Try 2 sets of 25 with as perfect form as possible.

    Pikes - Lay down on your back, arms straight out, legs at 90 degrees, lift your shoulders to touch your toes. At the same time, your lower back/*** should be slightly off the floor. 2 sets of 25 reps followed by crunches will intensify things.

    Scissors - Lay on your back, hands behind your head and legs a foot or so off the ground straight out. Twist your torso and bring up your opposite leg so, for example, your right elbow is touching your left knee. Switch sides and repeat 30 times.

    Weighted Crunches - Set up a double rope (v-shaped rope w/ 2 k***s at the end) at a cable machine if you belong to a gym. Grab it with both hands, and bring them to the side of your head. Slowly bring your elbows (and the weight) down to your knees and hold it for a few seconds. Try 3 sets of 30 at a decent weight.

    Hanging leg raises - Hang from a dip-bar/lat pullup bar. Bend your knees slightly. Raise your legs to about your belly-button (don't swing legs but focus on abs). As usual, hold for 1-2 seconds and bring them down slowly. 2 sets 15-20 reps.

    Leg thrust - *I just learned this one and it's great* Lie on your back w/ your hands under your *** for back-support. Your legs should be straight up in the air. Tighten your abs so your legs and lower back go STRAIGHT UP towards the ceiling. Slowly let down. In this one, it's more important to sqeeze your abs tightly than to do alot of reps. 2 sets, 15-20 reps.

    Stability crunches - Find a stability ball at a gym. Lay with the center of your back on it and do crunches from there.

    Leg Raise - Lie flat on your back, arms out at your side. Lift your legs (keep them straight) until they are at a 45 degree angle and let them down slowly. 3 sets of 25-30

    Bicycle Crunches - Same as twist-crunches but to the same side. Right elbow to right knee.

    Side Crunch - Find a stability/exercise ball, lay on your side, torso off the ball, and contract your obliques (sides of stomach) and hold for 2-3 seconds. Do 15 reps, swich sides and repeat.

    Side Leg-Lifts A.K.A. Windshield Wipers - Lie flat on your back with your legs 90 degrees in the air, arms spread out to the sides of your body. Lower your legs to the right until they are 6-10 inches off the ground, bring them back to the top and go to the other side. Do 15 reps of each, 2 sets.

    Plank - Get in pushup position but with your forearms flat on the ground. Contract your abs and hold for 30-90 seconds depending on your strength. Repeat twice. If you want to make it harder, put your forearms on a bench and your legs on an exercise ball.

    Pseudo push ups - Lay on the ground, Stomach on the floor. Put your hands near your waist and push up. 3 sets of 20. This works your shoulder muscles and deltoids espescially. Good for holding freezes (Hollows, inverts, planches, etc.)

    Handstand push ups - 3 sets of 10. Self explanitory.

    **Also look up Plyometrics

    Plyometrics is a type of exercise training designed to produce fast, powerful movements, and improve the functions of the nervous system, generally for the purpose

  3. umm sure :)

  4. ummm im am not sure but im also like u but all i kno is....u just try to freese by not making ur push on the floor too hard neither speedy n train ur arms u dont need diets n...just do like me find a hip hop class or breakdancing classes or even b boys go to it if ur desperate ull might even get a chance with a girl there theyre called b girls

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