
Breakfast Ideas for a person with not much time?

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Well I have to wake up at 6:30 every morning. I get super tired and I need some nice breakfasts that I can make quickly and kick-start my day. I HATE toast, I don't think I would have time to cook eggs, love fruit, don't really like cereal, but some cereals are nice. I don't like veggies.

So please, any tasty ideas? I am very fussy and I think I get tired because I don't have a good breakfast.






  1. I like chocolate with nuts, bananas, yogurts, shakes... Caloric and natural food, plus a pill of ginseng or royal jelly (it works really good)

  2. coffee and some pancakes

  3. Fruit and Cheese

    A balanced, easy-to-assemble make-ahead morning meal: Grab an apple, wrap 1 to 2 ounces of Cheddar in plastic, and toss 1/4 cup of fiber- and protein-rich walnuts into a resealable plastic bag.

    Peanut Butter Waffle

    Instead of dousing a whole-grain or bran toaster waffle in syrup, cut the sugar and boost the protein and fiber by spreading it with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter. You can also sprinkle on 1 tablespoon of raisins, sesame seeds, or extra peanuts for even more fiber, which helps deliver the meal's nutrients slowly and steadily.

    Plain Doughnut with Chocolate Milk

    A plain cake-style doughnut is usually a better choice than a bakery muffin. At Dunkin' Donuts, for instance, an old-fashioned doughnut has 300 calories, while a corn muffin has 510 calories. Add fiber by eating 1/4 cup of almonds or dried fruit. Instead of coffee, try 8 ounces of low-fat chocolate milk.

    Strawberry Shake

    In a cocktail shaker, combine a packet of vanilla or strawberry instant-breakfast powder (look for the no-sugar-added kind, such as Carnation) and 1 cup of low-fat strawberry cow's milk or soy milk. (You can also mix this the night before.) If you have time, use a blender to add strawberries or a frozen banana, for extra fiber, and a scoop of protein powder, such as GeniSoy Natural.

    Morning "Pizza"

    You could have a slice of last night's pizza in the morning (it's preferable to filling up on sugar or skipping breakfast). Or you could try a more sophisticated spin: Take a slice of crusty bread, spread it with 3 tablespoons of low-fat ricotta, and add tomatoes. Finish with a drizzle of olive oil (about 1 teaspoon) and a little salt and pepper. Broiling is optional.

    Energy Bars

    To substitute for a meal, an energy bar should have at least 3 to 5 grams of fiber and 10 grams of protein. Odwalla, Kashi GoLean, and TruSoy are all good options. Because cereal bars rarely have more than 2 grams of protein, kids might be better off adding a stick of Go-Gurt! and a sleeve of peanuts.

    Egg McMuffin

    Yes, you read that right. If you must eat fast food in the morning, get an Egg McMuffin at McDonald's. At 300 calories, it's not an outrageous meal. Plus it has a good amount of lean protein from the egg and the Canadian bacon. To trim empty calories, remove the top half of the muffin. For additional fiber, add a fresh orange.

    Cereal "Sundae"

    A bowl of fiber-rich bran flakes (about 1 1/2 cups) with 8 ounces of low-fat milk is nearly the perfect breakfast. Make it portable by replacing the milk with lemon or vanilla yogurt and mixing it in a to-go container. Increase the fiber and vitamins by adding 1/4 cup of nuts or fresh or dried fruit, such as chopped pecans or blueberries.

    Huevos Rancheros Rapidos

    One of the most portable proteins is a hard-cooked egg, but it has no fiber or carbohydrates. So slice it, then roll it in an 8-inch whole-wheat tortilla with a piece of Canadian bacon or lean ham and, if you like, a 1/2-ounce slice of cheese. Add a tablespoon of salsa for a shot of flavor and a smidgen of vitamin C.  

  4. you should always try to have protein with your breakfast. Eggs can take a while to cook... but you could always boil some eggs say while you are in the shower or doing your hair and then they would be ready without having to stand over them while they cook. Or you cold get one of those things that lets you cook your eggs in the microwave. Just add eggs and water, start the microwave and you don't have to fuss. Or you could even get one of those cheap sandwich presses and throw in some bread eggs and cheese or meat and have a pocket sandwich. Again, you wouldn't have to stand over it. Just pop it all in and time it. When it is ready just slide it out.

    Or Instant Oatmeal with walnuts.

    I would check out Bob Harpers web site... he has a lot of neat info about eating healthy on the go. Also is a great resource!

  5. Bacon cheese sandwich, on your favorite bread.

    Cook up a bunch of bacon ahead of time or buy the kind that's already cooked.

    butter bread, add bacon and cheese, heat in a skillet or in the oven on broil for just a couple of minutes til it browns.

    bagels with cream cheese and a piece of fruit.

    leftover pizza.  (my personal fave!)

    pineapple cheese sandwich or wrap.

  6. eggo waffles

  7. Go to the supermarket and pick up the following:

    -Shredded wheat (or wheetabix)



    -mixed nuts (Pistachio nuts are lovely)

    -dried apricots


    Chop up the nuts and the apricots, then with the raisins store the mixture in an airtight container. There, the main preparation is done!

    Each morning, simply put one shredded wheat (or more) in your cereal bowl, sprinkle some of the mixture over, and slice half or the whole of the banana over. This can easily be done in your hand quickly, and if you only want half the banana (as I do) slice the unpeeled banana in half first with a knife, then with the exposed area of the banana stand on the table, or tilt against something lol (I use the tea-bag jar). The banana will keep fresh for at least 24 hours.

    The good thing about this breakfast is that shredded wheat does not go soggy as with cornflakes, for example, so you can eat as you go along. Also, this particular breakfast requires a fair bit of milk which is good for you.

    I have been doing this for 8 months now after years of bad breakfast routines and rushing and buying pastries on the way to work (those are ok sometimes). I would never go back now, I love my breakfasts: this one is healthy and economical. It has calcium from the milk which is good for you, protein in the nuts, and of course the fruit from the apricots, raisins and banana, not to mention the fibre from the cereal. Sometimes, I add finely sliced red apple. I don't really enjoy apples on their own, but adore red apples this way.

    You should aim to have eggs twice a week, it does not take long to boil eggs.

    Aim to have some brown bread/ rolls in the week - the ones with seseme seeds on top. Baked beans on brown toast is good for you, it's the fibre, and you can burn off the calories from the beans because this is the start of the day. You can tell I am really into this nutrition thing.

    As I said, I would never go back. Get into good habits and do not skip breakfast anymore.

    Once in a while, I have the full English. I loved the breakfasts when I was in Las Vegas: the American service is fantastic, and the top-up coffees were so good. ~

  8. Buy frozen foods and meals such as hungryman, Macalinas etc. That you can pop in the microwave and enjoy in less than 5 mins. Cut up fruits the previous day and put them in the fridge so the next day you can just open the fridge and eat them.

  9. Put heaps of fruit in your cereal or get flavoured milk :)

    get a really good spread and have toast

    or you could prepare a casserole the evening before to lessen the work the next day

  10. hm.. hot pokets?

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