
Breakfast and lunch menu for picky 3 yo and 20 month old?

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What are some good breakfast and lunch ideas for toddlers? What are some of the things you feed your toddlers?




  1. My two year old who is very picky eats cheerios and fruit with juice for breakfast, or pancakes/sausage, eggs with cheese that sort of thing. For lunch, it's a bit harder..chicken nuggets, fruit and juice, grilled cheese, pasta that sort of thing.  She loves baked chicken, brocolli.

  2. I have a 28 month old and a 9 month old. A typical days menu at our house...

    Breakfast, cereal (with milk for the toddler/dry for the baby), sippys with half juice half water

    snack, whole wheat crackers with cheese, grapes, water

    lunch, macaroni, green beans, milk(for the toddler)

    snack, fruit and whatever flavored crackers we happen to have, water

    supper, meatloaf, potatoes, mixed veggies, milk

    often we have yet another snack, sometimes leftovers from supper sometimes a treat

    It is much healthier to eat many smaller meals than just a few big ones.

  3. Breakfast:


    Omelets with cheese and ham (or hotdogs lol)

    Cereal, dry or wet for the older child

    Fruit slices


    Pastas- My kids love pasta, from spaghetti to mac and cheese (which is the fave) Add extras to to pastas, rom meat to veggies

    Tuna Helper- Cheesy Pasta-

    Sandwhich triangles- PB&J

    Normal Lunch menu at our house:

    Chicken nuggets with dipping sauce


    Chesse Cubes

    Just remember what they like and add a fruit and yogurt, or cheese cubes ro somehting as a side. Makes for a good meal.

  4. My twin boys are 3-1/2...heres some things they like...and they were picky too!!


    -Usually cheerios with a tiny amount of milk.  

    -Maple and Brown sugar oatmeal (the low sugar kind).  

    -Cheesy Scrambled eggs....just take two eggs, beat them...add a little bit of milk...scramble them and when close to being done, add a sprinkle of shredded cheese.

    -Pancakes...cut up with a small amount of syrup or powdered sugar.

    -lightly toasted bread w/butter...if its too toasted its hard for the kids to eat.

    -Cut up a banana into small slices and put into a bowl with some grapes or apple slices.


    -Hot buns...cut up into small pieces with a tiny amount of ketchup to dip.

    -Chicken nuggets cut in half w/sweet-n-sour sauce or ketchup.

    -Peanut Butter & honey(or jelly) sandwich...cut into 4 small pieces.

    -Cheese chunks w/saltine crackers

    -Pureed vegetables (i still sometimes buy the baby veggies(stage 2) and tell the boys its "veggie sauce"....they love it. :D

    -Small bean & cheese burrito cut in half with a sprinkle of cheese on top.

    -No sugar added applesauce(tastes just like the reg stuff!)

    Hope these help!!  Good luck! :D

  5. My 21 month old daughter is SOOooo picky! She will not get close to any vegetable. Here are some suggestions:

    Breakfast - Blueberry pancakes (i make with whole grain mix) add frozen Blue berries. a piece of turkey bacon, and cut up fruit with milk

    she also likes French toast strips that she can dip into syrup or honey. Cantaloupe is a big hit at our house too! She LOVES frozen Blueberries.

    Lunch - chicken nuggets that she can dip into ketchup or fish sticks she can dip into mayo. mac and cheese or a cheese quasadilla with a whole grain tortilla. Try a peanut butter and honey sandwich cut into strips or chicken noodle soup.

    dinner - she usually will not eat what we eat, but on occasion (spaghetti or turkey burgers) she will. I heat up those gerber graduate raviolis - some days she will eat them, some days she wont.

    snacks - fruit, Frozen Go gurts, raisins, milti grain crackers, popcorn.

    Tips - serve food in a sectioned plate or even an ice cube tray or even toy plates. it makes it fun for them. I give my daughter little quantities so she doesn't get overwhelmed. Good luck! I know it's frustrating to have a picky little eater!! ;)

  6. I feed my son either oatmeal or frozen pancakes for breakfast ( that's all he'll eat) for lunch he loves peanut butter sandwiches, chicken nuggets, or spaghetti. I can even get him to eat Special K with milk.

  7. for breakfast you can give them peeled oranges already in peices children like finger food strawberry oatmeal, and apple juice

    for lunch have sliced apples peel the skin, ham and chesse sandwhich cut into fours or grilled cheese, milk and juice

  8. 2 words - finger foods.

    Instead of a bowl of cereal with milk, give them cereal dry and a cup of milk. Cut up an apple and banana and let them pick up the pieces and eat them.

    Instead of a turkey and cheese sandwich, give them strips of turkey, cheese, and a small handful of crackers (like a homemade lunchable).

    Fruit strips with yogurt for dipping, peanut butter and chunks of apple, whatever is healthy and they like.  

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