
Breakfast before soccer??

by  |  earlier

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what breakfast would be good for a soccer practice that is at 8:30 in the morning, that wouldn't make me feel sick, and give me strength?




  1. mayb some vitamins or something?

  2. orange juice




    lots of carbohydrates!

  3. salad...and pasta....also some chicken....for protein.

  4. Maybe some toast. Nothing big or you wont feel good. Sometimes I dont even eat and I am fine.

  5. banana and orange juice but make sure the orange juice hasent gone bad that stuff will mess your stomach up

  6. Porridge, good carbohydrates for aerobic energy!!!

    and a banana, very settling in the stomach.


    I eat this before basketball training at 6am in the morning, fills me up, keeps me warm, and gives me energy!!

  7. You need something high in protein so..

    Peanutbutter on toast.

    Cottage cheese and any fruit.

    String cheese and fruit.

    Keep it light!

  8. two berry powerbars thats what i have it works

  9. breakfast is like a fuel to the body  so it's important especially when you do sport no matter what kindda sport ....milk egges(boiled or fried

    ) bread and of course cornflakes is absolutely filled up with energy

  10. a bowl of cereal, or yogurt or a banana would be good.

    and afterwards you can eat more.

  11. i wouldn't eat anything. i have practice at 10 so i wake up around 915. Just eat when you get home, otherwise you'll end up throwing up like me, especially if they make you run a lot.

  12. Try fruits and cereal. Like a different fruit everyday.

    If you eat like pancakes like real breakfast food.. u might.. err. throw it all out.  

  13. protien bar.. banana. ... piece of toast.. oatmeal bar...

    and then you eat more after :)

  14. eat a power bar and a glass of o.j. or you could grab a granola bar and a glass of milk  

  15. Roast chicken chuncks on a Ceasar Salad, no dressing or only light dressing.

    You could try a few CLIF bars.

  16. energy bars if you are going to eat a bigger sort of breakfeast give your self a hr in advance to eat .

  17. When I use to play...

    I would usually not eat before practice.  When I played, ran, or trained, I could feel almost anything in my stomach...even fruit!  I had a lot of strength whenever I did not eat.

    But some people need fuel so I would suggest eating cottage cheese/yoghurt, bananas, or cereal.  If you eat yoghurt, eat unsweetened or lightly sweetened ones.  Bananas are best because they settle in your stomach well.  Cereal is risky because the dairy and sugars will slow you down.  If you must though, go with a fat free or dairy free milk and a sugar free cereal.  Try NOT to liquefy your cereal with the milk.

    You usually do NOT eat carbs right BEFORE you train or play.  You eat them afterwards for muscle recovery.  Eat bread within about a hour after training or a game.  The night before you want to eat a nice carb and protein diet.  Remember...carbs work best for you when you need long-term energy and for recovery!

    Good luck!

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