
Breakfast foods in italy HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i have to make a dish and i don't know what to do




  1. Are you in italy or are you doing a project about food in italy for school ....?  or ... ?

    without more info, the only tip I can give you is that in my experience, italians put nutella (hazelnut spread, you can buy it at the grocery store) on a lot of breakfast foods.  

    good luck!

  2. spaghetti

  3. It's normal food. Really, when I went there crescants and sourdough with butter was what they served at the hotel. You could try chocolate crescants.

  4. okay...!

    I'm Italian and we NEVER eat pasta or spaghetti for breakfast!!!=)

    we usually drink a cup of milk (or, if you don't like it, a cup of tea) with cookies!!

    usually we put cacao into the milk!

    ad adults generally drink even coffee with milk!!

    good luck!

  5. Italy. The traditional breakfast in Italy is simply Caffè e latte (hot coffee with milk) with bread or rolls, butter, and jam — known as prima colazione or just colazione. Fette biscottate (a cookie-like hard bread often eaten with Nutella) and biscotti (cookies) are commonly eaten. Children drink hot chocolate, plain milk, or hot milk with very little coffee. If breakfast is eaten in a bar (coffee shop), it is composed of cappuccino e brioche (frothed hot milk with coffee, and a pastry). It is very common for Italians to have a quick breakfast snack during the morning (typically a panino, or bread roll).

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